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Important: This category is becoming very large.

If appropriate, please try to move content into subcategories.
Articles should not be listed in this category if they fit in a subcategory.
To propose reduction methods, use the talk page.

The following pages are generic disambiguation pages. Note: the {{disambig}} template adds articles automatically to this category and will eventually add all disambiguation pages here. Do not include this category manually in articles if you use the template, or they will be listed twice. See Wikipedia:List of disambiguation types for other templates to use since the category is overpopulated as said in the header.

Other articles should not have links which point to disambiguation pages (unless they do so "knowingly"). See also:

Note: If multiple disambiguation categories apply to the same article, use one template and manually add the rest of the categories (that fit in).

(previous 200) (next 200)


There are 20 subcategories to this category.




Articles in category "Disambiguation"

There are 180 articles in this section of this category.





A cont.

A cont.

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