List of state mottos
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This page lists state and national mottos for the world's independent states and their subdivisions.
- Andorra: Virtus unita fortior (Latin, "Strength united is stronger")
- Antigua and Barbuda: Each endeavouring, all achieving
- Argentina: En unión y libertad (Spanish, "In union and freedom")
- Australia: none
- Australian Capital Territory: For the Queen, the law and the people
- New South Wales: Orta recens quam pura nites (Latin, "Newly risen, how brightly you shine")
- Northern Territory: none
- Queensland: Audax at fidelis (Latin, "Bold but faithful")
- South Australia: United for the Common Wealth
- Tasmania: Ubertas et fidelitas (Latin, "Fertility and faithfulness")
- Victoria: Peace and Prosperity
- Western Australia: Cygnis Insignis (Latin, "Distinguished by its swans")
- Austria-Hungary: Indivisibiliter ac Inseparabiliter (Latin, "Indivisible and inseperable"; the union broke up into several independent states in 1918)
- Bahamas: Forward upward onward together
- Barbados: Pride and Industry
- Belgium: L'union fait la force, Eendracht maakt macht and Einigkeit gibt Stärke (French Dutch and German, "Strength lies in unity")
- Belize: Sub umbra floreo (Latin, "Under the shade I flourish")
- Bolivia: La Unión es la Fuerza (Spanish, "The Union is the Strength")
- Brazil: Ordem e progresso (Portuguese, "Order and progress")
- Brunei: Brunei darussalam (Malay, "Brunei, the abode of peace")
- Bulgaria: Съединението прави силата (Bulgarian, "Union is strength")
- Cambodia: "Nation, Religion, King"
- Canada: A mari usque ad mare (Latin, "From sea to sea")
- Alberta: Fortis et liber (Latin, "Strong and free")
- British Columbia: Splendor sine occasu (Latin, "Splendour without diminishment")
- Manitoba: Gloriosus et liber (Latin, "Glorious and free")
- New Brunswick: Spem reduxit (Latin, "Hope was restored")
- Newfoundland and Labrador: Quaerite primum regnum dei (Latin, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God")
- Northwest Territories: None; One people, many voices is inscribed in several languages on the ceremonial mace of the Northwest Territories Legislature
- Nova Scotia: Munit haec et altera vincit (Latin, "One defends and the other conquers")
- Nunavut: Nunavut sanginivut (Inuktitut, "Nunavut our strength" or "Our land, our strength")
- Ontario: Ut incepit fidelis sic permanet (Latin, "Loyal she began, loyal she remains")
- Prince Edward Island: Parva sub ingenti (Latin, "The small under the protection of the great")
- Quebec: Je me souviens (French, "I remember")
- Saskatchewan: Multis e gentibus vires (Latin, "From many peoples, strength")
- Yukon: None
- Chile: Por la razón o la fuerza (Spanish, "By reason or by strength")
- Colombia: Libertad y orden (Spanish, "Freedom and order")
- Cuba: Patria y Libertad (Spanish, "Homeland and Liberty")
- Czech Republic: Pravda vítězí! (Czech, "Truth prevails!")
- Denmark: Royal motto of Queen Margrethe II: Guds hjælp, Folkets kærlighed, Danmarks styrke (Danish: "God's help, the love of the people, Denmark's strength")
- Dominican Republic: Dios, Patria, Libertad (Spanish, "God, Country, Liberty")
- East Timor: Honra, pátria e povo (Portuguese, "Honour, country and people")
- Ecuador: Ecuador ha sido, es y será un país amazónico (Spanish, "Ecuador has been, is and will be an amazonic country")
- El Salvador: Dios, Unión, Libertad (Spanish, "God, Union, Liberty")
- European Union: In varietate concordia (United in diversity, Unie dans la diversité, etc. (Translated into the languages of the member states of the EU))
- Fiji: Rerevaka na Kalou ka Doka na Tui ("Fear God and honour the Queen")
- France: Liberté, égalité, fraternité (French, "Liberty, equality, brotherhood")
- Georgia: ძალა ერთობაშია! (Georgian, The Power is in Unity ")
- Germany: Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit (German, "Unity and justice and freedom")
- Schleswig-Holstein: Up ewig ungedeelt (Low German, "Forever undivided")
- Greece: Ελευθερια η θανατος (transliterated as "Eleftheria o Thanatos") (Greek, "Liberty or death")
- Guyana: One people, one nation, one destiny
- Haiti: L'union fait la force (French, "Unity is strength")
- Hungary: none
- India: सत्यमेव जयते (Satyameva Jayate) (Sanskrit, "Truth alone triumphs")
- Indonesia: Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Old Javanese, "Unity in diversity")
- Iran: Esteghlâl, âzâdi, jomhoorie eslâmi (persian, "Independence, freedom, the Islamic Republic")
- Ireland: none
- Israel:
- Jamaica: Out of many, one people.
- Kenya: Harambee (Swahili, "Let's work together")
- Kiribati: Te mauri, te raoi ao te tabomoa (Kiribati, "Health, Peace and Prosperity")
- Korea, North: "One is sure to win if he believes in and depends upon the people"
- Korea, South: 널리 인간을 이롭게하라 (Korean, "Good will for all mankind")
- Laos: "Peace, independence, democracy, unity and prosperity"
- Lebanon: Koullouna Lil Watan, Lil Oula wal'Allam (Arabic, "Us all! For our Nation, for our Emblem and Glory!")
- Lithuania: Vienybė težydi (Lithuanian, Let the unity bloom)
- Luxembourg: Mir wëlle bleiwe wat mir sin (Luxembourgeois, "We want to stay what we are")
- Malaysia: Bersekutu Bertambah Mutu (Malay, "Unity increases Strength")
- Mauritius: Stella clavisque Maris Indici (Latin, "Star and key of the Indian Ocean")
- Mexico: none. Traditionally: El respeto al derecho ajeno es la paz (Spanish, "Respect for the rights of others is peace"). Also: Sufragio efectivo, no reelección (Spanish, "Effective suffrage, not re-election)", is at present in the signature of some official documents.
- Monaco: Prince of Monaco's Motto: Deo juvante (Latin, "With God's help")
- Namibia: Unity, liberty, justice
- Nauru: God's will first
- Nepal: जननी जन्मभूमिष्च स्वर्गादपि गरियसि (Sanskrit, "Mother and motherland are greater than heaven")
- Netherlands: Je maintiendrai (French, "I will maintain")
- Netherlands Antilles: Libertate unanimus (Latin, "Unified by freedom")
- Nigeria: "Unity and Faith, Peace and Progress"
- Norway: The King's motto: Alt for Norge (Norwegian, "All for Norway")
- Pakistan: Iman, Ittehad, Tanzeem (Urdu: "Faith, unity, discipline")
- Panama: Pro mundi beneficio (Latin, "For the benefit of the world")
- Philippines: Maka-Diyos, Makatao, Makakalikasan at Makabansa (Filipino, “For the Love of God, People, Nature and Country”)
- Former: Isang bansa, isang diwa (Filipino: "One nation, one spirit")
- Peru: "Firme y feliz por la Unión" (Spanish "Steady and happy for the union")
- Poland: none; the words Honor i Ojczyzna (Polish: "Honour and Homeland"); or Bóg, Honor, Ojczyzna (Polish, "God, Honour, Homeland") appear on most military flags and banners
- Portugal: Pelo Bem da Nação (Portuguese: "For the Good of the Nation")
- Republic of Macedonia (Former Yugoslav) :Sloboda ili smrt (Macedonian language,"Liberty or death")
- Rhodesia: Nomine digna (Latin, "May she be worthy of the name")
- Saint Lucia: The land, the people, the light
- San Marino: Libertas (Latin, "Liberty")
- Senegal: Un peuple, un but, une foi (French, "One people, one goal, one faith")
- Serbia and Montenegro (Unofficial): Samo Sloga Srbina Spasava (Serbian, "Only unity saves the serbs")
- Seychelles: Finis coronat opus (Latin, "The end crowns the work")
- Sierra Leone: Unity, freedom, justice
- Singapore: Majulah Singapura (Malay, "Onward Singapore")
- South Africa:!ke e: /xarra //ke (/Xam, "Diverse people unite" or "Unity in Diversity")
- Spain: Plus ultra (Latin, "Further beyond")
- Former: also Una, grande y libre (Spanish "One, great and free") (under Franco's regime)
- Andalusia: Andalucía por sí, para España y la Humanidad (Spanish, "Andalusia for herself, for Spain, and for Humanity")
- Catalonia: Som i serem (Catalan, "We are and will be")
- Madrid: De Madrid al cielo (Spanish, "From Madrid to heaven")
- Solomon Islands: To Lead is to serve
- Soviet Union: Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь! (Russian, "Workers of the world, unite!")
- Suriname: Justitia, pietas, fides (Latin, "Justice, piety, loyalty")
- Swaziland: Siyinquaba (Swati, "We are the fortress")
- Switzerland: (not motto)
- Sweden: Royal motto: För Sverige i tiden (Swedish, "For Sweden, with the times")
- Togo: Travail, Liberté, Patrie (French: "Work, liberty, homeland")
- Turkey: Yurtta Sulh, Cihanda Sulh (Turkish, "Peace at home, peace in the world")
- Tuvalu: Tuvalu mo te Atua (Tuvaluan, "Tuvalu for the Almighty")
- Ukraine: Воля, злагода, добро (Ukrainian, "Freedom, Concord, Kindness")
- United Kingdom: Royal motto: Dieu et mon droit (French, "God and my right")
- Scotland: Nemo me impune lacessit (Latin, "No one injures me with impunity")
- Wales: Ich Dien (German, "I serve" - Prince's motto), Y ddraig goch ddyry cychwyn (Welsh, "The red dragon inspires action"), Cymru am byth (Welsh, "Wales for ever" - unofficial)
- Isle of Man: Quocunque jeceris stabit (Latin, "Whithersoever you throw it, it will stand")
- Cayman Islands: He hath founded it upon the seas
- Falkland Islands: Desire the right
- Gibraltar: Nulli expugnabilis hosti (Latin, "Conquered by no enemy")
- United States: E pluribus unum (Latin, "Out of many, one") and In God We Trust
- There is a separate list of U.S. state mottos
- Uruguay: Libertad o muerte (Spanish, "Liberty or death")
- Venezuela: none
- Amazonas: Honor y Lealtad (Spanish, "Honor and Loyalty")
- Anzoátegui: Tumba de sus tiranos (Spanish, "Tomb of their tyrants")
- Barinas: Dios y Federación (Spanish, "God and Federation")
- Carabobo: Ocassus servitutis (Latin, "Decline of the servitude")
- Cojedes: Ad Sum (Latin, "I am present")
- Delta Amacuro: La Paz en la Federación (Spanish, "The Peace in the Federation")
- Falcón: Dios y Federación (Spanish, "God and Federation")
- Guárico: Si amas la libertad, ven a mis pampas (Spanish, "If you love liberty, come to my plains")
- Monagas: Resistió con valor (Spanish, "Resisted with courage")
- Portuguesa: Honor y Gloria (Spanish, Honor and Glory)
- Vargas: Igualdad, Libertad, Propiedad y Seguridad (Spanish: Equality, Liberty, Property and Security)
- Vietnam: Ðộc lập, tự do, hạnh phúc (Vietnamese, "Independence, liberty, and happiness")
- Western Sahara (SADR): [Arabic text unknown] (Ḥassānīya Arabic, "Liberty, Democracy, Unity")