UN Security Council Resolution

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A United Nations Security Council Resolution is voted on by the fifteen members of the UN Security Council. It is passed if nine or more members vote for the resolution, and it is not vetoed by any of the five permanent members: People's Republic of China (until 1971 the Republic of China), France, Russian Federation (until 1991 the Soviet Union), United Kingdom, and United States.

There have been two major wars authorized by the Security Council; the 1950 Korean War, and the 1991 Gulf War.

Notable Security Council Resolutions

  • Resolution 85 in 1950: to assist the Republic of Korea in defending itself against armed attack.
  • Resolution 660 in 1990: Call on Iraq to withdraw immediately and unconditionally all forces from Kuwait.
  • Resolution 678 in 1990: Authorizes member states to use all necessary means to uphold and implement resolution 660 and all subsequent relevant resolutions and to restore international peace and security in the area [Kuwait].
  • Resolution 687 in 1991: Decides that Iraq shall unconditionally accept the destruction [...] of [a]ll chemical and biological weapons [...] and all [...] ballistic missiles with a range greater than 150 kilometres.
  • Resolution 1441 in 2002: Calls on Iraq to disclose its entire arsenal of weapons of mass destruction and medium and long-range missiles.
  • Resolution 1559 in September 2, 2004: calls on Syria to cease intervening in Lebanese internal politics, withdraw from Lebanon, and for the disbanding of all Lebanese militias.

See also: List of UN General Assembly Resolutions

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