Unitarian Universalism
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Unitarian Universalism (UU or UUism) is a theologically liberal, inclusive religion formed by the merger of Unitarian and Universalist organizations in the mid 20th century. UUs generally: cherish creativity, freedom, and compassion; embrace diversity and interconnectedness; and promote personal spiritual growth and justice-making through worship, fellowship, personal experience, social action, deeds, and education. While one UU may differ from another in personal creed, the term UU is a distinct theological signifier and Unitarianism or Universalism should not be confused or interchanged with Unitarian Universalism.
The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), founded in 1961, based in Boston, Massachusetts and serving churches in North America, is the religion's largest incarnation in the world. It publicly represents more than 217,000 members and follows a congregational model. Founded in 1995, the International Council of Unitarians and Universalists (IUCC) serves congregations throughtout the world.
Both Unitarianism and Universalism find their roots in Christian Protestantism suggesting UU taxonomy as a non-denominational Christian faith. However, adherence to orthodoxy of any kind (Abrahamic or other) is a personal choice and not a requirement of Unitarian Universalism's creedless, non-dogmatic foundations. Even before formal Unitarian and Universalist organizations merged, the theological significance of the names expanded and evolved far beyond their traditional and historic definitions.
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Unitarian Universalism is a creedless religion that explicitly embraces religious pluralism and the respect for diverse traditions within the movement and even within congregrations. It may be seen as a syncretic religion, as beliefs and religious services often draw from various faiths. This strong emphasis on tolerance and acceptance is a major difference between Unitarian Universalism and other major religions. Unitarian Universalist churches welcome gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people, as well as those with various disabilities, and the church does not discriminate on the basis of skin color, national origin, or ethnicity. A large portion of its members consider themselves humanists, and many may hold Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, Pagan, atheist, agnostic, pantheist, or other beliefs, or may not choose any particular theological label. This vast diversity of views is considered a strength by the UU faith, since its emphasis is on the common search for meaning among its members rather than adherence to any particular doctrine. Many UU congregations have study groups that examine the doctrines and spiritual practices of Neopaganism, Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, and other faith traditions. One UU minister, the Reverend James Ford, has even been acknowledged as a Zen master.
In a survey[1], reported but not sponsored by the UUA, Unitarian Universalists in the US were asked which term or terms of a set provided best describe their belief. The top choices were:
- Humanist - 54%
- Agnostic - 33%
- Earth-centered - 31%
- Atheist - 18%
- Buddhist - 16.5%
- Christian - 13.1%
- Pagan - 13.1%
There is a wide variety among churches, with some favoring particular religious beliefs over others, and many hosting a mix of beliefs. Regardless of their orientation, most churches are fairly open to differing beliefs, though not always equally. The current movement within the organization is to re-embrace theism, leading to a shift away from (secular) humanism, agnosticism and atheism, and towards paganism and liberal Christianity. This is particularly visible in the overall demographics, with non-theists overrepresented in the over-50 age group, and slowly aging out. Non-theism is also overrepresented in the under-18 group, but does not generally translate into non-theism among adults because these youth are more likely than their peers to leave the church upon reaching adulthood. This is related to the gap between the under-18 and the over-30 groups, reflecting a lack of childless adults among those of child-bearing age. Also relevant is the fact that there are many more people who identify as UU on surveys than attend churches, reflecting lapsed members who nonetheless consider themselves part of the organization.
While some people are raised in the UU faith, a greater number of members have come from other religious backgrounds, with people joining the UU faith for a variety of reasons. Unitarian Universalism often draws on adult "refugees" from other faiths. Often parents choose to bring up their children in the UU faith as a compromise if the mother and father come from different religious backgrounds. Parents who do not subscribe to a particular dogma but who want to give their children some kind of religious background are also drawn to the UU faith. Children who are brought up in the UU faith often, though not necessarily, attend Sunday religious education (RE) classes, which are somewhat akin to Sunday School in Protestant churches. RE classes may deal with moral values and the problems of growing up, as well as exploring the teachings and traditions of other religions. Historically, children raised in the UU church tended to go off to join more traditional churches or chose not to attend any church at all. More recently, there has been a concerted, if not entirely successful, effort to keep them within the church even after they go away to college.
Principles and Purposes
Although they do not have an official creed or dogma, Unitarian Universalist congregations respect the Principles and Purposes of the UUA. Like most decisions within Unitarian Universalism, these were arrived at democratically by a vote of member congregations, proportional to their membership.
Unitarian Universalism is often referred to by its adherents as a living tradition, and the principles and purposes have been modified over time to reflect changes in spiritual beliefs among the membership. Most recently, the last principle (adopted in 1985), "Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part" and the last source (adopted in 1995), "Spiritual teachings of earth-centered traditions which celebrate the sacred circle of life and instruct us to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature" were added to explicitly include members with Neopagan, Native American, and other Nature-centered spiritualities. This principle is often referred to as the "seventh principle."
The lack of creed or dogma has been a cause for criticism among some who argue that Unitarian Universalism is thus without religious content. In May 2004, Texas Comptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn ruled that Unitarian Universalism was not a religion because it "does not have one system of belief," and stripped the Red River Unitarian Universalist Church in Denison, Texas of its tax-exempt status. However, within weeks Strayhorn reversed her decision.
Attitude toward sacred writings
The Unitarian Universalist attitude toward the Christian Bible and other sacred works is given in "Our Unitarian Universalist Faith: Frequently Asked Questions"
We do not, however, hold the Bible - or any other account of human experience - to be either an infallible guide or the exclusive source of truth. Much biblical material is mythical or legendary. Not that it should be discarded for that reason! Rather, it should be treasured for what it is. We believe that we should read the Bible as we read other books (or newspaper) - with imagination and a critical eye. We also respect the sacred literature of other religions. Contemporary works of science, art, and social commentary are valued as well. We hold, in the words of an old liberal formulation, that "revelation is not sealed." Unitarian Universalists aspire to truth as wide as the world-we look to find truth anywhere, universally.
Elevator speeches
Recently, UU World magazine asked for contributions of "elevator speeches" explaining UUism. These are short speeches that could be made in the course of an elevator ride. Here are three of the speeches submitted:
In Unitarian Universalist congregations, we gather in community to support our individual spiritual journeys. We trust that openness to one another's experiences will enhance our understanding of our own links with the divine, with our history, and with one another. — Rev. Jonalu Johnstone, Oklahoma City, OK
We believe that your spiritual life is personal -- a relationship between the individual and deity, however you define it. Rather than choose your path for you, we provide a safe place for you to discover and pursue your own path. — Lyn Worthen, Salt Lake City, UT
Unitarian Universalists believe that all life is sacred, all existence is interconnected, and that justice and compassion must be the foundation of our thoughts and deeds. — Ann Creech, Roswell, GA
- See the Unitarianism article for a more detailed history of that movement
Traditionally, Unitarianism was a heretical doctrine emerging out of Christianity. The term may refer to any belief about the nature of Jesus that affirms God as a singular entity and rejects the doctrine of the Trinity. Unitarianism was rejected by orthodox Christianity at the First Council of Nicaea in 325, but it resurfaced subsequently in church history. Unitarian churches were formally established in Transylvania and Poland (the Socinians) in the sixteenth century. Michael Servetus, a Spanish proto-Unitarian, was burned at the stake in Geneva, in 1553, on the orders of John Calvin.
In the United States, the Unitarian movement began primarily in the Congregationalist parish churches of New England. These churches, which are still seen today in nearly every New England town square, trace their roots to the division of the Puritan colonies into parishes for the administration of their religious needs. After the American Revolution, they became independent and organized as individual churches, electing their own ministers.
Beginning in the late 18th century, a Unitarian movement began within some of these churches. As conflict grew between Unitarian and Trinitarian factions, Unitarians gained a key faculty position at Harvard in 1805. The dispute culminated in the foundation of the American Unitarian Association as a separate denomination in 1825.
After the schism, some of those churches remained Congregationalist, while others voted to become Unitarian. In the aftermath of their various historical circumstances, some of these churches became member congregations of the Congregationalist United Church of Christ organization, others became part of the UUA and its predecessor organizations, while a few continue to remain part of both organizations and are explicitly Christian UUA Churches.
In the 19th century, under the influence of Ralph Waldo Emerson (who had been a Unitarian minister) and the other Transcendentalists, Unitarianism began its long journey from liberal Protestantism to its present syncretic form.
Universalism was another Christian "heresy" with a long history. It denied the doctrine of eternal damnation; instead, it proclaimed that a loving God would redeem all souls. In 1793, Universalism emerged as a particular denomination in the United States, eventually called the Universalist Church in America.
These two religious bodies always had a great deal of commonality and communication between them; they were often associated in the public eye. One observation made years ago about Unitarianism and Universalism, long before their merger, was that (paraphrase) "Universalists believe that God is too good to condemn man, while Unitarians believe that man is too good to be condemned by God."
Both Unitarianism and Universalism evolved over time into inclusive, tolerant religions, without strict dogmas. In 1961, the American Unitarian Association (AUA) merged with the Universalist Church of America (UCA), thus forming the Unitarian Universalist Association. In the same year, the Canadian Unitarian Council (CUC) formed and became an arm of the UUA to service the needs and interest of Canadian Unitarian Universalists. In 2002, the CUC split off from the UUA.
In 1995 the UUA helped establish the International_Council_of_Unitarians_and_Universalists (ICUU).
Worship and ritual
As in theology, Unitarian Universalist worship and ritual are often a combination of elements derived from other faith traditions alongside original practices and symbols. Some churches might be difficult to distinguish from a liberal Protestant church, while others might not seem like a church at all to members of more traditional faiths.
The most common symbol of Unitarian Universalism is the flaming chalice, often framed by two overlapping rings that represent Unitarianism and Universalism. Other symbols include a slightly off center cross within a circle (a Universalist symbol associated with the Humiliati movement in the mid twentieth century) and a pair of open hands releasing a dove.
Worship services
Religious services are usually held on Sundays and often resemble, to a certain extent, the form and format of Protestant worship. There is usually a structured service that includes the singing of hymns and a sermon by the minister of the congregation.
However, most UU churches do not perform the traditional Christian rites, such as baptism, or communion or confirmation, though many that continue these practices are also members of the Council of Christian Churches within the Unitarian Universalist Association (CXCUUA). Other rituals replace these traditions, including Water Communion, Flower Communion, and dedications of children and babies. Teenagers often participate in "Coming of Age," a program in which they explore their own personal beliefs and spirituality. Music is not limited to traditional hymns, but often includes instrumental music or singing songs from other traditions.
Some congregations are explicitly known not as churches but as fellowships. These congregations tend to be younger and smaller than other UU societies and may favor less traditional service forms. But there are also UU congregations that have liked the term fellowship and retained it even though they have grown much larger.[2]
Unitarian Universalists have often been active in liberal political activism, notably the civil rights movement, the gay rights movement, the social justice movement, and the feminist movement. In the 19th century, Unitarians and Universalists were active in abolitionism, the women's movement, and other liberal social reform movements.
Susan B. Anthony, a Unitarian and Quaker, was extremely influential in the women's suffrage movement. Unitarian Universalists and Quakers still share certain principles, notably that they are creedless religions with a long-standing commitment to social justice. It is therefore common to see Unitarian Universalists and Quakers working together.
UUs were and are still very involved in the fight to end racism in the US. John Haynes Holmes, a minister and social activist at The Community Church of New York - Unitarian Universalist was among the founders of both the NAACP and ACLU, chairing the latter for a time. James J. Reeb, a minister at All Souls' Church, Unitarian, in Washington, D.C. and a member of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, was clubbed in Selma, Alabama on March 8, 1965, and died two days later of massive head trauma. Two weeks after his death, Viola Fauver Gregg Liuzzo, a Unitarian Universalist civil rights activist, was murdered by white supremacists after her participation in the protest march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama. Reeb and approximately 20% of UU ministers marched with Martin Luther King in the three marches from Selma, Alabama, to Montgomery. The Selma to Montgomery marches for voting rights are best known as Bloody Sunday, although technically that refers only to March 7, the most violent day of the three.
The current head of the Unitarian Universalist Association, Rev. William Sinkford, is African-American, making Unitarian Universalism the first traditionally white religion to be headed by a member of an ethnic minority.
Most Unitarian Universalists oppose the death penalty and many are active in political movements to end it in the US. Some work for causes such as environmental protection, peace, feminism, gun control, free speech, safe and legal abortion, and animal rights. Others work to end homelessness, racism, domestic violence, homophobia, sexual assault, and HIV/AIDS. This is not to say that the politics of UUs are uniform. Like the beliefs of Unitarian Universalists, their politics are decided by individuals. But the principles of compassion, respect, justice, and diversity are the foundation of all UU politics. Politically conservative Unitarian Universalists point out that neither religious liberalism nor the Principles and Purposes of the UUA require liberal politics.
Many congregations have undertaken a series of organizational and practical steps to be acknowledged as a "Welcoming Congregation", a congregation which has taken specific steps to welcome and integrate gay and lesbian members. UU ministers have been performing same-sex unions for over a decade and same-sex marriages where legal (and sometimes when not as a form of civil protest). Unitarian Universalists have been in the forefront of the civil rights work to make same-sex marriages legal in their local states and provinces, as well as on the national level. Gays and lesbians are also regularly ordained as ministers.
Many congregations are heavily involved in projects and efforts aimed at supporting environmental causes and sustainability. These are often termed "seventh principle" activities because of the seventh principle quoted above.
Unitarian Universalist Organizations
- YRUU (Young Religious Unitarian Universalists) is the youth organization that exists inside the Unitarian Universalist Association. It was created in 1981 and 1982, at two conferences, Common Ground 1 & 2. Common Ground was called after the collapse of LRY (Liberal Religious Youth), the youth organization that preceded YRUU. LRY had drifted away from the Unitarian Universalist Association, and had severe internal problems that led to its collapse.
- UUSC (Unitarian Universalist Service Committee) is a related nonsectarian organization that started from an effort to smuggle Jews and other targeted groups out of Nazi Germany. The UUSC works to promote social justice and human rights around the world. Unitarian Universalist churches worldwide are represented in the International Council of Unitarians and Universalists (ICUU).
Notable Unitarian Universalists
- For more details on this topic, see List of Unitarian Universalists.
Notable congregations
Certain Unitarian, Universalist, or Unitarian Universalist congregations (churches, societies, fellowships, etc.) have particular historic or other significance.
- Arlington Street Church Boston, Mass. - Congregation of William Ellery Channing and Dana McLean Greeley (1729)
- Community Church of New York - Congregation of John Haynes Holmes (NAACP founder). Significantly progressive and diverse.
- Church of the Larger Fellowship worldwide congregation
- First Unitarian Society Madison, Wisconsin - largest UU congregation, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright
- King's Chapel Boston, Mass. - one of the oldest New England churches of any denomination (1688), on the Freedom Trail
- United First Parish Church Quincy, Mass. - burial place of Pres. John and John Quincy Adams (and wives)
- Unity Temple Oak Park, Illinois - building designed by Frank Lloyd Wright
- Universalist Church of West Hartford West Hartord, Conn.
See also
- Congregationalist church governance
- Liberal Christianity
- Unitarianism
- Universalism
- American Unitarian Conference
External links
- Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA)
- Canadian Unitarian Council (CUC)
- Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC)
- International Council of Unitarians and Universalists (ICUU)
- American Unitarian Conference (AUC)
- Unitarian Universalist Wiki (UUWiki)
- UU Biographical Dictionary
- Our Unitarian Heritage online version of 1925 history of American Unitarianism
- Unitarian-Universalist Merger Timeline from Harvard Divinity School's website.
The following religious groups are often confused for one another: Unification Church | Unity Church | Universal Life Church Unitarian Universalism: Unitarianism | Universalism United Churches: Churches Uniting in Christ | United Church of Canada | |