Wheeling Suspension Bridge

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View from the Wheeling Suspension Bridge from 1977.
View from the Wheeling Suspension Bridge from 1977.

The Wheeling Suspension Bridge is a suspension bridge spanning the East channel of the Ohio River at Wheeling, West Virginia. It was the longest suspension bridge in the world from 1849 until the Queenston-Lewiston Bridge was opened in 1851. It was built by Charles Ellet Jr.,

In 1854, a strong windstorm collapsed the deck of the bridge, forcing Ellet to rebuild it. Although it has been rebuilt numerous times since then (once by Ellett's partner William McComas, and later by William Hildenbrand), the bridge remains in active service. Today, the bridge only allows one lane of traffic at a time and all cars are to remain 50 feet apart.

The bridge spans a distance of 1,010 feet across the Ohio River so as to allow boats to pass underneath it. It remains the oldest vehicular suspension bridge in the USA that is still in use.

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