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Previous Articles The Cocktail Recipes The Liquor Cabinet Tools of the Trade Cocktail Bars and Lounges Resources and Links
Previous Articles The Cocktail Recipes The Liquor Cabinet Tools of the Trade Cocktail Bars and Lounges Resources and Links

The featured book:

The original bartenders guide
Reprint available On:
Click here to look at this book on Amazon

How To Mix Drinks
The Bon Vivant's Companion

by Jerry Thomas

Originally published in 1862, this book represents the first bartender's guide ever published. It has just recently been reprinted in a wonderful facimile edition by New Day Publishing.

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Adventures in Cocktails

Size Matters
Sometimes the simplest things can be just outside of our notice. I hadn't really payed much attention to how big my cocktail glasses were, nor was I really doing a good job at keeping my cocktail recipes a consistent size. In Adjusting The Volume I share with you some of the experimentations that I did on my various cocktail glasses, and how I determined the size that one of these days I'll need to re-adjust all of my recipes to fit.

Summer Refresher
One of our readers recommended that we showcase the Moscow Mule as a wonderful drink for a warm summer afternoon. Then we remembered a drink created by Audrey Saunders, one of the premier bartenders of New York, that we think is clearly superior. Audrey uses the Gin-Gin Mule as the drink she uses when somebody claims that they don't like gin. And even though we love a good gin, we also love this wonderful drink.

Recent Additions

Chaplin, De La Louisiane, French Quarter, Gin-Gin Mule, Jamaican Firefly, Moscow Mule, Southern Beauty, Tillicum

Web Sites:
ChefTools, MartiniWare, Nicolas Roberts, RestaurantPage, 67Wine

Photo WebLog
Powered By TextAmerica
You can visit my new photo weblog over on textamerica.com to see some of bars I visit, cocktails I try, and the people I am hanging out with.

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At Your Service

I'd like to try to make sure that this site is as useful as possible to your quest in understanding quality cocktails. Toward that end, I am incorporating various capabilities and services into this site as appears useful and appropriate to my users. Here are some of the ways that you can get more use out of my site:

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  • Mobile DrinkBoy

  • I've published all of the cocktail recipes that I list on my site as an AvantGo Channel. This allows you to download these recipes to many different types of mobile devices and always have them with you.

    Click here to go to my on-line community

  • Mailing List

  • As you may have noticed, I don't update my site on any sort of a regular basis. Many of my users have asked me to let them know when I post new articles so that they can check them out. For a while, I used ListBot to send out mailing to all of my faithfull readers, but recently they decided to discontinue that service. So what I've decided to do instead, is to send out my update notifications to the members of my online community. I've had this community running for a year or so now, but just haven't been advertising it. Now that I've got over a thousand members in the community, I suppose it is safe to say that it has gained enough popularity to let you all know about it.
        So drop into my community, and if you would like to find out when I update my site with new information or recipes (which happens about every three months or so), join up and perhaps even participate in some of the lively conversations that are going on.


    And as always, if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for information you'd like to see available here, just let me know.


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