The New MCTRAIL Rail-Trail

How a muddy mess was transformed

The MCPARC Rail-Trail has always been "the little trail with the big problems". Since it first opened in the early 90s this 2.5 mile long Rail-Trail has been plagued with drainage problems, slips, ATV damage, trash, vandalism, a tunnel falling into disrepair, poor parking facilities, etc. You name a problem, this Rail-Trail seemed to have it.

Well, I am happy to report all that is in the past. This is due to the determination and hard work of Dan Talbott and the staff at the Marion County Parks And Recreation Commission (MCPARC).

Drainage corrections, paving, a new trail head at the south end, tunnel restoration - all this, and more has occurred in the last 18 months - a total transformation.

But, there is always more work to be done. Soon the 1200' long Meredith Tunnel will have lighting installed and the pavement inside the tunnel will be edge striped with reflective paint. The berm will also be brought up to the same grade as the surface. Currently installed temporary safety fencing along with older railing will be replaced with new safety railings. The remaining short section of trail on the north end will be paved and a new trail head constructed. If funding becomes available the connector link between the Mon River Rail-Trail and the MCTRAIL will be paved as well - a must considering the grade of the trail and lack of water bars for controlling water accumulation and run off.

Thus, this vital connection between the Mon River Rail-Trail and the West Fork River Rail-Trail via the on street Link through Fairmont finally comes into it's own.

Thanks to everyone who made it happen!

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