Trail head parking area in Frostburg.
The grade is steady all the way up to the Big Savage Tunnel.
Cool temps and great fall color made for an excellent ride.
Underpass at State Route #2011.
CRC Ride Captain, Laurel.
The fall color was great as the clump of Sumac on the left clearly shows.
I have been puzzled by these remnants of the Rail Road days since I first saw them. Several of us discussed what the use might have been. Bill suggested they might have at one time been used as a structure for holding fencing for rock control. This seemed a likely explanation after we found and old remnant of wire fencing attached to one end.
CRC Newsletter editor, treasurer/secretary Bill and club Prez, Kelly.
Packing up after a soggy ride back to Frostburg.
The cyclist on the switchback had ridden from Pittsburg and was going to catch the 7:00PM train to Cumberland, stay over night and then continue on to Georgetown.
I spotted these Shaggy Mane (Coprinus comatus) mushrooms on the hill above the parking area.
- More Photos:
- Epic Road Trips - Big Savage Tunnel Grand Opening - 27 May 2006
- Jim Weaver Photos
- Foster
- Klein