Terra Alta

Work Weekend

May 2006

I arrived at TA shortly before 8Am on Saturday. I found some people just getting up, some still in the sack and some already up and about and hard at work.

Once everybody was up and at breakfast Greg parceled out the work chores and we were on our way.

John Henderson and I tackled replacing one of the old "bridges", seen here next to some of the replacement material. Rugh helped haul the materials to the site and checked on us from time to time to offer help.

The replacement. We used about 70, 4" decks screws to secure the surface boards to the 17 sleepers. It ain't pretty, but it's solid.

Greg came to the rescue with some bees wax for lubricating the screws when we had problems getting penetration in the oak sleepers.

The final touch, wood chips and Spruce boughs to cover the newly graded approach. Provided by John.

Trail head ornaments not far from the newly replaced bridge.

John and Kim return from a pleasant stroll down the lane.

                          Aunt Helen and Yours Truly

Now, back to the 'Hood. The Range hood that is. Here, Jesse, Larry, and Tom discuss strategy for getting the monster installed.

           Success!! No small feat, to be sure.

Break time for John, Kim and Bill - who is always on break!

Emerging fertile frond of the Cinnamon fern. Shot taken near the new bridge.

                                            As above.

There were thousands of lush, beautiful leaves of the Skunk Cabbage everywhere you looked.

These lovely violets were just off the trail near the new bridge.

Emerging fronds of the Intermediate Shield Fern.

Ouch! This is what was poking me as I was lying on ground for the violet shot - Hawthorne.

Carol puts a new coat on one of the old metal chairs.

Notice the bluets in the background.

          Close-up of the Bluets.

Q. How many women does it take to fix a vacuum cleaner?

A. As many as necessary!

Kim, Linda and Jan "Git er done."

                    That's what I call concentration!!!
