Mike Breiding's Epic Road Trips

Michigan: The Lower and Da Yooper

Summer 2010: Betsy's Retirement Trip!

Betsy's Retirement Kick Off
INTRO: Friday - June 11th

After 27 years of blood, sweat and tears - and some fun and good times, Betsy retired from the Monongalia County School System on June the 9th, 2010.

To celebrate the event we will be leaving, in just a few short moments, for at least two weeks of travel to one of our favorite places: The Upper Peninsula of Michigan

It was to the UP Betsy and I would flee the big city of Cleveland where she then worked some 30+ years ago. We would spend quiet weekends and more during our most memorable of courtships.

Over the years we made numerous trips to the UP. But, time slipped by and we now find it has been many years since we have seen the majestic cliffs of the Lake Superior shoreline or the flowers of the Dwarf Cornell spread out like a carpet before us.

It has now been many years since Betsy and I have been off on a long trip together. Readied with all the toys and a new tent we shall now be on our way and see what happens next. We hope you will join us through the trip reports sent out - although they may be more infrequent than usual do to limited Internet access in "Da Yooper". See you then!!!

Ready to Roll !

Ready to Roll!

Route Map

The Route as planned.


Betsy's retirement throne.
To be enjoyed when not boating, biking or hiking.


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