Policing in the United Kingdom

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Two Metropolitan Police officers and a community support officer near Buckingham Palace, London
Two Metropolitan Police officers and a community support officer near Buckingham Palace, London

The United Kingdom has a number of similar but independent police services. Most of these operate in defined territorial areas, typically counties, groups of counties or larger metropolitan areas, but some, such as the British Transport Police, have a more specialised, non-geographical remit.



While constables had existed since Saxon times, the creation of a police force comparable to modern structures did not come about until the early 19th century, with the introduction of a nationwide system of broadly similar local forces. However this had been foreshadowed in the late 18th century with the establishment of the Marine Police based in Wapping, although this was only a localised force with a limited remit.

A police helicopter (Eurocopter EC 135T), shared by the English police forces of Avon and Somerset and Gloucestershire
A police helicopter (Eurocopter EC 135T), shared by the English police forces of Avon and Somerset and Gloucestershire

After attempts to set up a police force in Glasgow, Scotland, during the 18th century, the city authorities persuaded Parliament to pass the Glasgow Police Act in 1830. This allowed the formation of the City of Glasgow Police, funded by taxation of local citizens, to prevent crime. This was quickly followed by the setting up of similar police forces in other towns [1]. The General Police Act (1857) required each County and Burgh to establish a police force, either its own or by uniting with a neighbouring county.

In England in 1812, 1818 and 1822, a number of committees had examined the policing of London. Based on their findings the Home Secretary, Robert Peel, introduced the Metropolitan Police Act of 1829, heralding a more rigorous and less discretionary approach to law enforcement. The new Metropolitan Police, founded on September 29, was depersonalised, bureaucratic and hierarchical, with the new police constables instructed to prevent crime and pursue offenders. However in contrast to the military gendarmerie forces of continental Europe, the British police, partly to counter public fears and objections concerning armed enforcers, were clearly civilian and their armament was initially limited to the truncheon. Uniform was blue, resembling the navy rather than the red of the army, who had policed with firearms and a heavy handedness which had long caused public consternation. A fear of spy systems and political control also kept 'plain clothes' and even detective work to a minimum. The force was independent of the local government; through its Commissioner, it was responsible direct to the Home Office. The new constables were nicknamed 'peelers' or 'bobbies' after the Home Secretary.

Outside of the metropolitan area, the Municipal Corporations Act of 1835 and further legislation in 1839 and 1840 allowed counties to create their own constabulary. The first county force created was in Wiltshire in 1839. Around thirty counties had voluntarily created police forces before the County and Borough Police Act of 1856 made such forces mandatory and subject to central inspection. There were over 200 separate forces in England and Wales by 1860, while in Ireland a more centralised paramilitary force, the Royal Irish Constabulary, was created.

Within the Metropolitan Police a detective force was founded in 1842 and, following the Turf Fraud scandal of 1877, it was reorganised and renamed the CID in 1878. A pension was guaranteed by the Police Act of 1890; previously it had been discretionary. The police became unionised during World War I and the strikes of 1918 and 1919 resulted in the Police Act of 1919, prohibiting trade unions but creating the Police Federation. However, the fragmented nature of the police was resistant to change, and there were still over 200 separate police forces before World War II and 117 before the mass reorganisation of the Police Act of 1964, which created 49 larger forces, some covering two or more counties or large urban areas.

In addition to the regional constabularies, there exist a small number of special police forces. The most notable of these is the British Transport Police, who are responsible for policing on Britain's railway network.

In 2004 the creation of the national Serious Organised Crime Agency was announced. Parallels have been drawn between this organisation and the US Federal Bureau of Investigation; indeed the press has labelled SOCA as the "British FBI". However, SOCA will not handle terrorism or murder.


In England and Wales a Police Authority, normally consisting of three magistrates, nine local councillors and five independent members, is responsible for overseeing each local force. They also have a duty under law to ensure that their community gets best value from their police force.

In Northern Ireland the Police Service of Northern Ireland is supervised by the Northern Ireland Policing Board.

In Scotland each police force is overseen either by the local authority (for Fife Constabulary and Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary) or by a joint board of the relevant authorities (all other forces).

Use of firearms

A police officer guards the entrance to Downing Street, London, home of the Prime Minister
A police officer guards the entrance to Downing Street, London, home of the Prime Minister

Unlike the police in most other countries, the British police are not routinely armed, except in Northern Ireland, at airports, nuclear facilities, and on some protection duties.

In fact, officers on night patrols in some London divisions were frequently armed with Webley revolvers (and, after the Battle of Stepney, Webley semi-automatics) for over 50 years following the murder of two officers in 1884, though individual officers were able to choose whether to carry the weapons. The practice ended in July 1936, after which arms could be issued by a sergeant if there was a good reason, and if the officer had been trained.

The issue of routine arming was next raised after the 1952 Derek Bentley case, and again after the 1966 murder of three officers in London (Massacre of Braybrook Street), following which around 17% of officers in London were authorised to carry firearms. After the deaths of a number of members of the public in the 1980s, control was considerably tightened, many officers had their firearm authorisation revoked, and training for the remainder was greatly improved and later extended to include some training from the SAS. Currently around 7 per cent of officers in London are trained in the use of firearms. Firearms are also only issued to an officer under strict guidelines. See SO19 (Metropolitan Police Firearms Unit).

In order to allow armed officers to rapidly attend an incident, weapons are now frequently carried in the secure armoury of patrolling Armed Response Vehicles (ARVs). ARVs were modelled on the Instant Response Cars introduced by the West Yorkshire Police in 1976, and were first introduced in London in 1991, when 132 armed deployments were made.

In a 1995 ballot amongst members of the Police Federation of England and Wales, over 75% of the vote was against routine arming. However, the huge increase in gun crime since the late 1990s is seen as a major issue. For the first time since 1936, the routine carrying of firearms on normal police patrols was re-introduced in Nottingham in February 2000, in response to a number of gang related shootings on the St Ann's and Meadows estates.

On the 22 September 1999 Harry Stanley, a painter and decorator, born in Bellshill near Glasgow, was returning home from a Pub carrying a table leg in a plastic bag that had been repaired by his brother earlier that day. Someone in the pub had phoned the police to report "an Irishman with a gun". Close to his home, officers Inspector Neil Sharman and PC Kevin Fagan of the Metropolitan police challenged Mr Stanley from behind, as he turned to face them they shot him dead at a distance of 15 feet.

On 22 July 2005, Jean Charles de Menezes, a Brazilian electrician living in London, was shot dead by Metropolitan Police officers as he boarded an Underground train at Stockwell tube station, in the belief he was a suicide bomber. While his shooting occurred as a result of the police investigation into the 21 July 2005 London bombings, it was later revealed that he was unconnected with the attempted attacks. His family has called on the government to open a public inquiry into the shooting.

Thames Valley Police policing an animal rights demonstration in Oxford
Thames Valley Police policing an animal rights demonstration in Oxford

The national media have often criticized the "Shoot to Kill" policy apparently adopted by police forces, however, no such policy exists. The police operate on a "Shoot to Stop" basis.

As of September 2004, all forces in England and Wales also have the Taser available, but it may only be used where a full firearms authority has been granted.

The weapons carried routinely by ordinary police constables are currently an extending baton and, in all but two county police services, personal issue incapacitating CS spray. CS effects are designed to be short-lived, subsiding within 30-60 minutes and clearing even quicker in well-ventilated areas.


Although there are minor variations in the styling, pattern and insignia, the police forces of Great Britain, Jersey, Guernsey, the Isle of Man and Gibraltar all wear very similar uniforms. In general, these have taken their lead from the Metropolitan Police, with changes appearing in that force first. The base colour is a very dark blue, almost indistinguishable from black (and these days often actually is black), which has earned the police the nickname of the "boys in blue".

Formal uniform comprises an open-necked tunic (with or without an attached belt, depending on the force) and trousers or skirt, worn with a white or light blue shirt and black tie (usually clip-on, so it cannot be used to strangle the wearer). Although most forces once wore blue shirts, these have been less used since the 1980s (when the Metropolitan Police changed to white) and most now wear white. Officers of the rank of inspector and above have always worn white shirts, and in many forces so have female officers. In some forces, female officers wear a black and white checked cravat instead of a tie.

Until the 1980s this was also the everyday working uniform, but today it is rarely seen except on formal occasions. The normal working dress retains the shirt (open-necked or with a tie or cravat) and trousers, worn with or without a jersey or fleece. Some forces use combat trousers and boots. Today, female officers almost never wear a skirt in working dress, and frequently wear trousers in formal dress as well. Officers also frequently wear reflective waterproof jackets, which have replaced the old greatcoats and cloaks traditionally worn in inclement weather. Most officers now wear body armour over their uniforms when on duty.

 Mounted police officer at Buckingham Palace, London
Mounted police officer at Buckingham Palace, London

Basic headgear is a peaked cap for men and a round bowler style hat for women. All officers wear a black and white (red and white for the City of London Police) diced band around the hat, a distinction first used in Scotland and later adopted by all forces in Great Britain. Traffic officers wear white cap covers. On foot duty, male constables and sergeants wear the familiar conical custodian helmet. There are several patterns, with different forces wearing different types. The helmet is not, however, worn in Scotland (although some Scottish forces did use helmets in the past).

Uniform history

The first uniform, which was a lighter blue than at present, was a high-collared tailcoat, worn with white trousers in summer. The headgear was a hardened top hat, which served the dual purpose of protecting the officer from blows to the head and allowing him to use it as a step to climb or see over walls. The sleeves of the dark blue coats originally had a pattern of white bars, roughly 6 mm wide by 50 mm high, set roughly 6 mm apart. This immediately distinguished them from naval or maritime personnel. Although this feature was taken up in the Dominions, it was not used in the USA.

The tailcoat was later replaced by a tunic, still high-collared, and the top hat by the helmet (both adopted by the Metropolitan Police in 1863). The helmet badge was (and still is) based on the Brunswick star. The tunic went through many lengths and styles, with the Metropolitan Police adopting the open-neck style in 1948 (although senior and female officers adopted it before that time). Senior officers used to wear peaked pillbox-style caps until the adoption of the wider peaked cap worn today.

Female officers' uniforms have gone through a great variety of styles, as they have tended to reflect the women's fashions of the time. Tunic style, skirt length and headgear have varied by period and force. By the late 1980s, female working uniform was virtually identical to male, except for headgear and sometimes neckwear.

Recent and current issues

Evidence of corruption in the 1970s, serious urban riots and the police role in controlling industrial disorder in the 1980s, and the changing nature of police procedure made police accountability and control a major political football from the 1990s onwards.

The miners' strike (19841985) saw thousands of police from various forces deployed against miners, frequently resulting in violent confontation.

The presence of Freemasons in the police caused disquiet in the early 1990s.

Despite attempts to end racism and what has been described as "institutionalised racism" in the Police, especially since the 1993 murder of Stephen Lawrence, there have been ongoing problems. At the same time, some commentators and citizens' groups have claimed that political correctness and excessive sensitivity to issues of race and class have reduced the effectiveness of the police force, not least for people living in deprived areas or members of minority groups themselves.

In 2003, ten police officers from Greater Manchester Police, North Wales Police and Cheshire Constabulary were forced to resign after a BBC documentary, The Secret Policeman, shown on 21 October, revealed racism among recruits at Bruche Police National Training Centre at Warrington. On 4 March 2005 it was announced that minor disciplinary action would be taken against twelve other officers (eleven from Greater Manchester Police and one from Lancashire Constabulary) in connection with the programme, but that they would not lose their jobs. [2] In November 2003, allegations were made that some police officers were members of the far-right British National Party.

The perceived absence of a visible police presence on the streets also frequently causes concern. This is partially being addressed by the introduction of uniformed civilian Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs), following the passing of the Police Reform Act 2002, although these have been criticised for being a cheap alternative to fully-trained police officers. [3].

At the beginning of 2005 it was announced that the Police Information Technology Organisation (PITO) had signed an eight-year £122m contract to introduce biometric identification technology [4]. PITO are also planning to use CCTV facial recognition systems to identify known suspects; a future link to the proposed National Identity Register has been suggested by some. [5]


In September 2005, in a report delivered to the Home Secretary, Charles Clarke, HM Inspectorate of Constabulary suggested the 43 force structure in England and Wales was "no longer fit for purpose" and smaller forces should be merged. As of 2005, nineteen forces have under 2,000 officers, and the report suggests that forces with 4,000 or more officers performed better and could deliver cost savings. [6] Forces have been asked to produce proposals of mergers, within Wales and the English Government Office Regions. Nearly all the existing forces are under the 4,000 limit, with only the Metropolitan Police, Greater Manchester Police, Merseyside Police, Northumbria Police, Thames Valley Police, West Midlands Police and West Yorkshire Police over the limit.

A 2004 proposal by the Police Superintendents Association for the creation of a single national police force was rejected by the Association of Chief Police Officers, and the government has thus far agreed. [7]

See also


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