by Craig Mains
...writing about whatever catches my interest, regardless of the chances that it might interest others. (But, mostly about places.) Address comments, corrections, complaints and legal communications to Craig Mains.
West Virginia
Poking Around in Morgantown
* Filling Deep Hollow
* The Hogback and the Peninsula
* The Tank Field
* Burying Raven Rock
Poking Around in the Bangor Area
* Les Roches Moutonees
* The Lubec Loop
* Airline Road
* A Day at the Blueberry Barrens
* Little City, Bangor
* The Thomas Hill Standpipe
* A Walk on Great Pond Mountain
* The Eagles of Kenduskeag Avenue
* Two Little City Mysteries Solved
The Oldest House in Bangor?
Poking Around in Bedford
* Bedford Highways and the
Museum of Roadside Lodging
* Underneath the Narrows Bridge
* Three Roadside Monuments
* The Abandoned Pennsylvania Turnpike
* Huntingdon County: Thousand Steps
* The Abandoned Pennsylvania Turnpike Revisited
Poking Around in the Yuma Area
* Poking Around in Yuma
* A Journey to the Center of the World (Almost)
* Kofa National Wildlife Refuge
* Poking Around in Portage
* Poking Around in Rhinelander
* Poking Around in Minocqua
Central Asia
Poking Around in
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan
July 2014
* Morgantown to Almaty to Isfara to Batken
* Batken to Bishkek to Chaldovar to Merke
* Merke to Morgantown
October 2014
* Morgantown to Almaty to Isfara
* Isfara, Tajikistan
* The "Source" of the Isfara River
* Isfara to Bishkek
* Bishkek to Zhigergen to Almaty to Morgantown
May 2015
* Morgantown to Bishkek
* Bishkek to Tokmok
* Tokmok to Kaji Say
* Kaji Say to Tamga
* Tamga to Bishkek to Almaty to Morgantown
Address comments, corrections, complaints and legal communications to Craig Mains.