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In the ancient Church, an encyclical was a circular letter sent to all the churches of a particular area. As used at that time, the word could be used of a letter sent out by any bishop. The word comes from Latin "encyclia" meaning "general" or "encircling", which is also the origin of the word "encyclopedia".
In the modern Roman Catholic Church a Papal encyclical is a letter sent by the Pope to Roman Catholic bishops of a particular area or the world, usually treating some aspect of Catholic doctrine. Papal encyclicals usually take the form of a Papal brief due to their more personal nature as opposed to the formal Papal bull. Papal encyclicals are so famous that the term encyclical for Roman Catholics is used almost exclusively for those sent out by the Pope. The Orthodox Church and the Anglican Communion retain the older usage.
Within Roman Catholicism, an encyclical (officially called an Encyclical Letter) is second in importance after the highest ranking document now issued by popes, an Apostolic Constitution.
Pope Pius XII holds that Papal Encyclicals can be infallible: "It is not to be thought that what is set down in Encyclical letters does not demand assent in itself, because in this the popes do not exercise the supreme power of their magisterium. For these matters are taught by the ordinary magisterium, regarding which the following is pertinent: “He who heareth you, heareth Me.” (Luke 10:16); and usually what is set forth and inculcated in Encyclical Letters, already pertains to Catholic doctrine. But if the Supreme Pontiffs in their acts, after due consideration, express an opinion on a hitherto controversial matter, it is clear to all that this matter, according to the mind and will of the same Pontiffs, cannot any longer be considered a question of free discussion among theologians." Humani Generis, Pope Pius XII.
Contents |
Important papal encyclicals
- Pope Benedict XIV
- Pope Pius IX
- Pope Leo XIII
- Pope Pius X
- Pope Benedict XV
- Humani Generis Redemptionem (1917)
- Pacem, Dei Munus Pulcherrimum (1920)
- Pope Pius XI
- Casti Connubii (1930)
- Quadragesimo Anno (1931)
- Divini Redemptoris
- Mit Brennender Sorge (1937)
- Pope Pius XII
- Mystici Corporis Christi (1943)
- Humani Generis (1950)
- Munificentissimus Deus (1950)
- Pope John XXIII
- Ad Petri Cathedram (1959)
- Sacerdotii Nostri Primordia (1959)
- Grata Recordatio (1959)
- Princeps Pastorum (1959)
- Mater et Magistra 1961
- Aeterna Dei Sapientia (1961)
- Poenitentiam Agere (1962)
- Pacem in Terris ( 1963)
- Pope Paul VI
- Ecclesiam Suam ( 1964)
- Mense Maio ( 1965)
- Mysterium Fidei (1965)
- Christi Matri (1966)
- Populorum Progressio (1967)
- Sacerdotalis Caelibatus (1967)
- Humanae Vitae 1968
- Pope John Paul II
- Redemptor Hominis (1979)
- Dives in Misericordia (1980)
- Laborem Exercens (1981)
- Familiaris Consortio (1981)
- Slavorum Apostoli (1985)
- Dominum et Vivificantem (1986)
- Redemptoris Mater (1987)
- Sollicitudo Rei Socialis ( 1987)
- Redemptoris Missio (1990)
- Centesimus Annus (1991)
- Veritatis Splendor (1993)
- Evangelium Vitae (1995)
- Ut Unum Sint (1995)
- Fides et Ratio (1998)
- Ecclesia de Eucharistia (2003)
Important Eastern Orthodox encyclicals
External links
- John Paul II Encyclicals from Vatican
- www.papalencyclicals.net, a source for etexts of most of the encyclicals from recent centuries
The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church (3rd. ed.), p. 545