John Breaux

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John Breaux
John Breaux
Office: U.S. Senator, Louisiana
Political party: Democrat
Term of office: January 1987January 2005
Preceded by: Russell B. Long
Succeeded by: David Vitter
Date of birth: March 1, 1944
Place of birth: Crowley, Louisiana
Spouse: Lois Daigle Breaux

John Berlinger Breaux (last name pronounced Bro) (born March 1, 1944) was a United States Senator from Louisiana from 1987 until 2005. He was considered one of the more conservative senators from the Democratic Party.

Born in Crowley, Louisiana, he graduated from the University of Southwestern Louisiana in 1964 and from Louisiana State University Law School in Baton Rouge in 1967. After graduation, he practiced law, and then served as an assistant to U.S. Representative Edwin Edwards.

Breaux was elected as a Democrat to the Ninety-second Congress in a special election on September 30, 1972, to fill the vacancy caused by Edwards' resignation. At the age of 28, he was then the youngest member of the United States House of Representatives. Breaux was re-elected to the seven succeeding Congresses and served until January 3, 1987. He was not a candidate for re-election to the House of Representatives in 1986 but was elected as a Democrat to the United States Senate in 1986 and was re-elected in 1992 and again in 1998. He was seen as a key centrist in the partisanly divided Senate and frequently was sought out by Republican leaders to corral a few Democratic votes when they needed them; conversely he also served often as the Democrat emissary in attempts to gather a few moderate Republicans to win votes on their proposals. He announced that he would not run for re-election in 2004. While many Democrats look for a moderate to support in the 2008 Presidential race, Breaux is considered an unlikely candidate. He never mounted a serious exploration of the possibility in previous years. He was succeeded in the Senate by Republican David Vitter. Though Breaux was considered a popular politician in Louisiana, he was unable to secure a victory for Democrat Chris John, whom he endorsed.

In February 2005, Breaux took a position as Distinguished Professor in the Manship School of Mass Communication at Louisiana State University. [1]

External links

Preceded by:
Edwin Edwards
United States Representative for the 7th Congressional District of Louisiana
Succeeded by:
James A. Hayes
Preceded by:
Russell B. Long
United States Senator (Class 3) from Louisiana
Succeeded by:
David Vitter

United States senators in the 100th Congress

AL: Heflin, Shelby
AK: Stevens, Murkowski
AZ: DeConcini, McCain
AR: Bumpers, Pryor
CA: Cranston, Wilson
CO: Armstrong, Wirth
CT: Weicker, Dodd
DE: Roth, Biden
FL: Chiles, Graham
GA: Nunn, Fowler

HI: Inouye, Matsunaga
ID: McClure, Symms
IL: Dixon, Simon
IN: Lugar, Quayle
IA: Grassley, Harkin
KS: Dole, Kassebaum
KY: Ford, McConnell
LA: Johnston, Breaux
ME: Cohen, Mitchell
MD: Sarbanes, Mikulski

MA: Kennedy, Kerry
MI: Riegle, Levin
MN: Durenberger, Boschwitz
MS: Stennis, Cochran
MO: Danforth, Bond
MT: Melcher, Baucus
NE: Exon, Karnes*
NV: Hecht, Reid
NH: Humphrey, Rudman
NJ: Bradley, Lautenberg

NM: Domenici, Bingaman
NY: Moynihan, D'Amato
NC: Helms, Sanford
ND: Burdick, Conrad
OH: Metzenbaum, Glenn
OK: Boren, Nickles
OR: Hatfield, Packwood
PA: Heinz, Specter
RI: Pell, Chafee
SC: Thurmond, Hollings

SD: Pressler, Daschle
TN: Sasser, Gore
TX: Bentsen, Gramm
UT: Garn, Hatch
VT: Stafford, Leahy
VA: Warner, Trible
WA: Evans, Adams
WV: Byrd, Rockefeller
WI:Proxmire, Kasten
WY: Wallop, Simpson

Republican | Democrat | Independent

(*) David Karnes was appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Edward Zorinsky.

United States senators in the 101st Congress

AL: Heflin, Shelby
AK: Stevens, Murkowski
AZ: DeConcini, McCain
AR: Bumpers, Pryor
CA: Cranston, Wilson
CO: Armstrong, Wirth
CT: Dodd, Lieberman
DE: Roth, Biden
FL: Graham, Mack
GA: Nunn, Fowler

HI: Inouye, Matsunaga
ID: McClure, Symms
IL: Dixon, Simon
IN: Lugar, Coats
IA: Grassley, Harkin
KS: Dole, Kassebaum
KY: Ford, McConnell
LA: Johnston, Breaux
ME: Cohen, Mitchell
MD: Sarbanes, Mikulski

MA: Kennedy, Kerry
MI: Riegle, Levin
MN: Durenberger, Boschwitz
MS: Cochran, Lott
MO: Danforth, Bond
MT: Baucus, Burns
NE: Exon, Kerrey
NV: Reid, Bryan
NH: Rudman, Smith*
NJ: Bradley, Lautenberg

NM: Domenici, Bingaman
NY: Moynihan, D'Amato
NC: Helms, Sanford
ND: Burdick, Conrad
OH: Metzenbaum, Glenn
OK: Boren, Nickles
OR: Hatfield, Packwood
PA: Heinz, Specter
RI: Pell, Chafee
SC: Thurmond, Hollings

SD: Pressler, Daschle
TN: Sasser, Gore
TX: Bentsen, Gramm
UT: Garn, Hatch
VT: Leahy, Jeffords
VA: Warner, Robb
WA: Adams, Gorton
WV: Byrd, Rockefeller
WI: Kasten, Kohl
WY: Wallop, Simpson

Republican | Democrat | Independent

(*) Robert Smith was appointed upon the resignation of Gordon Humphrey

United States senators in the 102nd Congress

AL: Heflin, Shelby
AK: Stevens, Murkowski
AZ: DeConcini, McCain
AR: Bumpers, Pryor
CA: Cranston, Seymour*
CO: Wirth, Brown
CT: Dodd, Lieberman
DE: Roth, Biden
FL: Graham, Mack
GA: Nunn, Fowler

HI: Inouye, Akaka
ID: Symms, Craig
IL: Dixon, Simon
IN: Lugar, Coats
IA: Grassley, Harkin
KS: Dole, Kassebaum
KY: Ford, McConnell
LA: Johnston, Breaux
ME: Cohen, Mitchell
MD: Sarbanes, Mikulski

MA: Kennedy, Kerry
MI: Riegle, Levin
MN: Durenberger, Wellstone
MS: Cochran, Lott
MO: Danforth, Bond
MT: Baucus, Burns
NE: Exon, Kerrey
NV: Reid, Bryan
NH: Rudman, Smith
NJ: Bradley, Lautenberg

NM: Domenici, Bingaman
NY: Moynihan, D'Amato
NC: Helms, Sanford
ND: Conrad, Burdick**
OH: Metzenbaum, Glenn
OK: Boren, Nickles
OR: Hatfield, Packwood
PA: Specter, Wofford***
RI: Pell, Chafee
SC: Thurmond, Hollings

SD: Pressler, Daschle
TN: Sasser, Gore
TX: Bentsen, Gramm
UT: Garn, Hatch
VT: Leahy, Jeffords
VA: Warner, Robb
WA: Adams, Gorton
WV: Byrd, Rockefeller
WI: Kasten, Kohl
WY: Wallop, Simpson

Republican | Democrat | Independent

(*) John Seymour was appointed after the resignation of Pete Wilson who stepped down to become Governor of California.
(**) Jocelyn Burdick was appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the death of her husband Quentin Burdick.
(***) Harris Wofford was appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Senator John Heinz.

United States senators in the 103rd Congress

AL: Heflin, Shelby
AK: Stevens, Murkowski
AZ: DeConcini, McCain
AR: Bumpers, Pryor
CA: Feinstein, Boxer
CO: Brown, Campbell
CT: Dodd, Lieberman
DE: Roth, Biden
FL: Graham, Mack
GA: Nunn, Coverdell

HI: Inouye, Akaka
ID: Craig, Kempthorne
IL: Simon, Moseley Braun
IN: Lugar, Coats
IA: Grassley, Harkin
KS: Dole, Kassebaum
KY: Ford, McConnell
LA: Johnston, Breaux
ME: Cohen, Mitchell
MD: Sarbanes, Mikulski

MA: Kennedy, Kerry
MI: Riegle, Levin
MN: Durenberger, Wellstone
MS: Cochran, Lott
MO: Danforth, Bond
MT: Baucus, Burns
NE: Exon, Kerrey
NV: Reid, Bryan
NH: Smith, Gregg
NJ: Bradley, Lautenberg

NM: Domenici, Bingaman
NY: Moynihan, D'Amato
NC: Helms, Faircloth
ND: Conrad, Dorgan
OH: Metzenbaum, Glenn
OK: Boren, Nickles
OR: Hatfield, Packwood
PA: Specter, Wofford
RI: Pell, Chafee
SC: Thurmond, Hollings

SD: Pressler, Daschle
TN: Sasser, Mathews
TX: Gramm, Hutchison*
UT: Hatch, Bennett
VT: Leahy, Jeffords
VA: Warner, Robb
WA: Gorton, Murray
WV: Byrd, Rockefeller
WI: Kohl, Feingold
WY: Wallop, Simpson

Republican | Democrat | Independent

(*) Kay Bailey Hutchison was elected to fill the vacant seat left by Lloyd Bentsen

United States senators in the 104th Congress

AL: Heflin, Shelby
AK: Stevens, Murkowski
AZ: McCain, Kyl
AR: Bumpers, Hutchinson
CA: Feinstein, Boxer
CO: Brown, Campbell
CT: Dodd, Lieberman
DE: Roth, Biden
FL: Graham, Mack
GA: Nunn, Coverdell

HI: Inouye, Akaka
ID: Craig, Kempthorne
IL: Simon, Moseley Braun
IN: Lugar, Coats
IA: Grassley, Harkin
KS: Kassebaum, Frahm*
KY: Ford, McConnell
LA: Johnston, Breaux
ME: Cohen , Snowe
MD: Sarbanes, Mikulski

MA: Kennedy, Kerry
MI: Levin, Abraham
MN: Wellstone, Grams
MS: Cochran, Lott
MO: Bond, Ashcroft
MT: Baucus, Burns
NE: Exon, Kerrey
NV: Reid, Bryan
NH: Smith, Gregg
NJ: Bradley, Lautenberg

NM: Domenici, Bingaman
NY: Moynihan, D'Amato
NC: Helms, Faircloth
ND: Conrad, Dorgan
OH: Glenn, DeWine
OK: Nickles, Inhofe
OR: Hatfield, Wyden**
PA: Specter, Santorum
RI: Pell, Chafee
SC: Thurmond, Hollings

SD: Pressler, Daschle
TN: Thompson, Frist
TX: Gramm, Hutchison
UT: Hatch, Bennett
VT: Leahy, Jeffords
VA: Warner, Robb
WA: Gorton, Murray
WV: Byrd, Rockefeller
WI: Kohl, Feingold
WY: Simpson, Thomas

Republican | Democrat | Independent

(*) Sheila Frahm was appointed following the resignation of Bob Dole.
(**) Ron Wyden was elected following the resignation of Bob Packwood.

United States senators in the 105th Congress

AL: Shelby, Sessions
AK: Stevens, Murkowski
AZ: McCain, Kyl
AR: Bumpers, Hutchinson
CA: Feinstein, Boxer
CO: Campbell, Allard
CT: Dodd, Lieberman
DE: Roth, Biden
FL: Graham, Mack
GA: Coverdell, Cleland

HI: Inouye, Akaka
ID: Craig, Kempthorne
IL: Moseley Braun, Durbin
IN: Lugar, Coats
IA: Grassley, Harkin
KS: Brownback, Roberts
KY: Ford, McConnell
LA: Breaux, Landrieu
ME: Snowe, Collins
MD: Sarbanes, Mikulski

MA: Kennedy, Kerry
MI: Levin, Abraham
MN: Wellstone, Grams
MS: Cochran, Lott
MO: Bond, Ashcroft
MT: Baucus, Burns
NE: Kerrey, Hagel
NV: Reid, Bryan
NH: Smith, Gregg
NJ: Lautenberg, Torricelli

NM: Domenici, Bingaman
NY: Moynihan, D'Amato
NC: Helms, Faircloth
ND: Conrad, Dorgan
OH: Glenn, DeWine
OK: Nickles, Inhofe
OR: Wyden, Smith
PA: Specter, Santorum
RI: Chafee, Reed
SC: Thurmond, Hollings

SD: Daschle, Johnson
TN: Thompson, Frist
TX: Gramm, Hutchison
UT: Hatch, Bennett
VT: Leahy, Jeffords
VA: Warner, Robb
WA: Gorton, Murray
WV: Byrd, Rockefeller
WI: Kohl, Feingold
WY: Thomas, Enzi

Republican | Democrat | Independent

United States senators in the 106th Congress

AL: Shelby, Sessions
AK: Stevens, Murkowski
AZ: McCain, Kyl
AR: Hutchinson, Lincoln
CA: Feinstein, Boxer
CO: Campbell, Allard
CT: Dodd, Lieberman
DE: Roth, Biden
FL: Graham, Mack
GA: Cleland, Miller*

HI: Inouye, Akaka
ID: Craig, Crapo
IL: Durbin, Fitzgerald
IN: Lugar, Bayh
IA: Grassley, Harkin
KS: Brownback, Roberts
KY: McConnell, Bunning
LA: Breaux, Landrieu
ME: Snowe, Collins
MD: Sarbanes, Mikulski

MA: Kennedy, Kerry
MI: Levin, Abraham
MN: Wellstone, Grams
MS: Cochran, Lott
MO: Bond, Ashcroft
MT: Baucus, Burns
NE: Kerrey, Hagel
NV: Reid, Bryan
NH: Smith, Gregg
NJ: Lautenberg, Torricelli

NM: Domenici, Bingaman
NY: Moynihan, Schumer
NC: Helms, Edwards
ND: Conrad, Dorgan
OH: DeWine, Voinovich
OK: Nickles, Inhofe
OR: Wyden, Smith
PA: Specter, Santorum
RI: Reed, Chafee**
SC: Thurmond, Hollings

SD: Daschle, Johnson
TN: Thompson, Frist
TX: Gramm, Hutchison
UT: Hatch, Bennett
VT: Leahy, Jeffords
VA: Warner, Robb
WA: Gorton, Murray
WV: Byrd, Rockefeller
WI: Kohl, Feingold
WY: Thomas, Enzi

Republican | Democrat | Independent

(*) Zell Miller was appointed to the Senate following the death of Paul Coverdell
(**) Lincoln Chafee was appointed to the Senate following the death of his father John Chafee

United States senators in the 107th Congress

AL: Shelby, Sessions
AK: Stevens, Murkowski*
AZ: McCain, Kyl
Hutchinson, Lincoln
CA: Feinstein, Boxer
CO: Campbell, Allard
CT: Dodd, Lieberman
DE: Biden, Carper
FL: Graham, Nelson
GA: Cleland, Miller

HI: Inouye, Akaka
ID: Craig, Crapo
IL: Durbin, Fitzgerald
IN: Lugar, Bayh
IA: Grassley, Harkin
KS: Brownback, Roberts
KY: McConnell, Bunning
LA: Breaux, Landrieu
ME: Snowe, Collins
MD: Sarbanes, Mikulski

MA: Kennedy, Kerry
MI: Levin, Stabenow
MN: Dayton, Barkley**
MS: Cochran, Lott
MO: Bond, Talent***
MT: Baucus, Burns
NE: Hagel, Nelson
NV: Reid, Ensign
NH: Gregg, Sununu
NJ: Torricelli, Corzine

NM: Domenici, Bingaman
NY: Schumer, Clinton
NC: Helms, Edwards
ND: Conrad, Dorgan
OH: DeWine, Voinovich
OK: Nickles, Inhofe
OR: Wyden, Smith
PA: Specter, Santorum
RI: Reed, Chafee
SC: Thurmond, Hollings

SD: Daschle, Johnson
TN: Thompson, Frist
TX: Gramm, Hutchison
UT: Hatch, Bennett
VT: Leahy, Jeffords****
VA: Warner, Allen
WA: Murray, Cantwell
WV: Byrd, Rockefeller
WI: Kohl, Feingold
WY: Thomas, Enzi

Republican | Democrat | Independent

(*) Frank Murkowski resigned to become Governor of Alaska.
(**) Dean Barkley was appointed following the death of Paul Wellstone.
(***) James Talent was elected in a special election over previous Senator, Jean Carnahan.
(****) James Jeffords changed from Republican to Independent .

United States senators in the 108th Congress

AL: Shelby, Sessions
AK: Stevens, Murkowski
AZ: McCain, Kyl
AR: Lincoln, Pryor
CA: Feinstein, Boxer
CO: Campbell, Allard
CT: Dodd, Lieberman
DE: Biden, Carper
FL: Graham, Nelson
GA: Miller , Chambliss

HI: Inouye, Akaka
ID: Craig, Crapo
IL: Durbin, Fitzgerald
IN: Lugar, Bayh
IA: Grassley, Harkin
KS: Brownback, Roberts
KY: McConnell, Bunning
LA: Breaux, Landrieu
ME: Snowe, Collins
MD: Sarbanes, Mikulski

MA: Kennedy, Kerry
MI: Levin, Stabenow
MN: Dayton, Coleman
MS: Cochran, Lott
MO: Bond, Talent
MT: Baucus, Burns
NE: Hagel, Nelson
NV: Reid, Ensign
NH: Gregg, Sununu
NJ: Corzine, Lautenberg

NM: Domenici, Bingaman
NY: Schumer, Clinton
NC: Edwards, Dole
ND: Conrad, Dorgan
OH: DeWine, Voinovich
OK: Nickles, Inhofe
OR: Wyden, Smith
PA: Specter, Santorum
RI: Reed, Chafee
SC: Hollings, Graham

SD: Daschle, Johnson
TN: Frist, Alexander
TX: Hutchison, Cornyn
UT: Hatch, Bennett
VT: Leahy, Jeffords
VA: Warner, Allen
WA: Murray, Cantwell
WV: Byrd, Rockefeller
WI: Kohl, Feingold
WY: Thomas, Enzi

Republican | Democratic | Independent
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