New Orleans Mint
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The U.S. Mint in New Orleans operated as a branch of the United States Mint from 1838 to 1861 and from 1879 to 1909, and now serves as a branch of the Louisiana State museum. The building suffered some roof damage from Hurricane Katrina in 2005. It is not known if any museum pieces were damaged.
It is located at 400 Esplanade Ave, New Orleans, LA 70116-2015.
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Antebellum period, 1835-1861
The city of New Orleans, Louisiana has been an important commercial center practically since it was founded along the banks of the Mississippi River, near the Gulf of Mexico, in 1718. This fact was reinforced when the United States Federal Government established a branch mint there on March 3, 1835, along with two other Southern branch mints at Charlotte, North Carolina and Dahlonega, Georgia. Such action was deemed necessary for many reasons. For one, in 1832, President Andrew Jackson had vetoed a rechartering of the Second Bank of the United States, an institution which he felt extended credit to northeastern commercial tycoons at the expense of the ordinary frontiersmen of the Old Southwest, a region with which Jackson, a Tennessean, strongly identified. Second, in 1836, Jackson had issued an executive order called a specie circular which demanded that all land transactions in the United States be conducted in cash. Both of these actions, combined with the economic depression following the Panic of 1837 (caused partly by Jackson's fiscal policies) thus increased the domestic need for minted money.
New Orleans' strategic location along the Mississippi River made it a magnet for commercial activity. Much gold from Mexico also passed through its port annually. In fact, in the early nineteenth century, New Orleans, which was the fifth-largest city in the United States, conducted more foreign trade than any other city in the nation. It was also located relatively near to gold deposits recently discovered in Alabama. While the Mint in Philadelphia produced a substantial quantity of coinage, it could not disperse the money swiftly to the far regions of the new nation, particularly the South and West. In contrast to the other two Southern branch mints, which only minted gold coinage, the New Orleans Mint produced both gold and silver coins, which perhaps marked it as the most important branch mint in the country.
The Mint's location occupies a prominent place in civic history. Because it sits at the northeastern edge of the French Quarter, which used to be the entire city, or Vieux Carré, of New Orleans, under French and Spanish rule the area was home to the defenses of the city. In 1792, the Spanish governor François Louis Hector, Baron de Carondelet, erected Fort San Carlos (later Fort St. Charles) there. The fort was demolished in 1821 and the nearby area named Jackson Square in honor of Andrew Jackson, who, as a general in the United States Army, had saved the city from invading British forces on January 8, 1815 in the famous Battle of New Orleans, the last battle of the War of 1812.
Architectural history

The Mint building, which was constructed in red brick, was designed by architect William Strickland in the Neoclassical style, like most 19th-century public buildings in the United States. Strickland was a student of the architect Benjamin Latrobe, a famous disciple of Neoclassicism who had helped design the United States Capitol building in Washington, D.C. Strickland himself, based in Philadelphia, had already designed the Philadelphia Mint building and (ironically) the Bank of the United States, and would go on to design the Charlotte and Dahlonega facilities, meaning he was the architect of the first four U.S. mint buildings. Martin Gordon supervised the building's construction, which was undertaken by Benjamin F. Fox, the master carpenter and joiner, and John Mitchell, the master mason and builder.
On the north façade the mint building features a central Ionic portico supported by four monumental columns that are flanked at the ends by square pillars. The top of the portico contains a simple entablature, crowned by a simple, unadorned triangular pediment. This entrance, which sits on top of a basement story, fronts the rectangular central core of the facility and is flanked by two large wings of multiple bays of rectangular windows. These wings wrap around the central rectangular core to form a "W" shaped structure with two square courtyards at the rear, and contain balconies framed by iron railings and posts. Although the building contains the essential elements of classical architecture--proportioned columns, an entablature with moldings, and a symmetrical plan, for example--its Neoclassicism differs from other styles such as Baroque, Beaux-Arts, or Rococo in that it uses severe, simple straight lines and geometric forms, and remains devoid of almost any significant ornamentation.
On the interior, Strickland placed the grand staircase that connects the three levels in the central core of the structure, immediately behind the portico. Many of the ceilings, also made of brick and sometimes covered in plaster use Catalan arches in continuous vaults, which makes them very strong structurally. On the second floor, many of the larger rooms which were used for coining and melting contain ceilings with beautiful high arches supported by the walls and freestanding piers. The smaller rectangular rooms on the second level (and the basement), such as the former superintendent's office, also contain these arched ceilings with a single groin vault. The basement formerly contained the boilers inside a brick cage, but now contains museum exhibits devoted to the minting activity as well as the Coin Vault at the Mint, a coin shop.
Unfortunately, Strickland did not take into account the swampy lowland and high water table that characterizes the terrain around New Orleans, and so during its career the New Orleans Mint building has encountered numerous structural problems from the shifting soil beneath its foundation. In the 1840s the building was reinforced with iron rods inserted between the floors. Then, in 1854, the Federal government hired the recent West Point engineering graduate (and Louisiana native) Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard to fireproof the building, rebuild the arches supporting the basement ceiling, and install masonry flooring. Beauregard completed the work in conjunction with Captain Johnson K. Duncan by 1859. During this period, the Mint's heavy machinery was converted to steam power, and so a smokestack (since demolished) was built at the rear of the structure to carry away the fumes.
Less than two years later, Beauregard would rise to national fame as the Confederate general who ordered the April 1861 assault on Fort Sumter in Charleston harbor, South Carolina, thus beginning the American Civil War. It was during the war that Beauregard would secure his place in American history as one of the Confederacy's most capable generals.
Early operations at the New Orleans Mint
Operations at the New Orleans Mint began on March 8, 1838, with the deposit of the first Mexican gold bullion, and the first coins, 30 dimes, were struck on May 7. It produced many different denominations of coins in its first tour of duty: silver three-cent pieces, half dimes, dimes, quarters, half dollars, silver dollars, gold dollars, $2.50 quarter eagles, three-dollar gold pieces, $5 half eagles, $10 eagles, and $20 double eagles.
Many interesting characters served at the Mint during the early years of operation. One was John Leonard Riddell, who served as melter and refiner at the Mint from 1839 to 1848, and, outside of his job, pursued interests in botany, medicine, chemistry, geology, and physics. He invented the binocular microscope. He also wrote on numismatics, publishing in 1845 a book entitled Monograph of the Silver Dollar, Good and Bad, Illustrated With Facsimile Figures, and two years later an article by him appeared in DeBows Review called "The Mint At New Orleans--Processes Pursued of Working the Precious Metals--Statistics of Coinage, etc." Riddell was not held in high esteem by everyone, however: his conflicts with other Mint employees were well-documented, and at one point he was accused of being unable to properly conduct a gold melt.
Throughout the nineteenth century the New Orleans Mint was frequently featured in magazines, newspapers, and other print publications. Articles discussing and images picturing the Mint, in addition to the one by Riddell noted above, were featured in Ballou's Pictorial Drawing-Room Companion, published in Boston, and the widely-circulated Harper's Weekly.
Civil War and recommissioning, 1861-79
Secession and the rebel seizure of the Mint
The New Orleans Mint operated continuously from 1838 until January 26, 1861, when Louisiana seceded from the United States. On January 29, the Secession Convention reconvened at New Orleans (it had earlier met in Baton Rouge) and passed an ordinance that allowed Federal employees to remain in their posts, but as employees of the state of Louisiana. In March, Louisiana accepted the constitution of the Confederate States of America, and the Confederate government retained all the mint officers. They used it briefly as their own coinage facility--the only one of the three Southern mint facilities that was used by the Confederacy. The Confederates struck many of the silver 1861-O half dollars themselves; in fact, it is impossible to tell which of the 2,532,633 1861-O half dollars were struck under Federal occupation and which were struck after the Confederates seized the building. Later that year the Confederates designed alternate reverse dies which they used to strike their own half dollars at New Orleans (see image). The exact number of half dollars struck by the Confederates with the alternate reverse is unknown; only four of the Confederate coins are known to exist today. One of them, which was recently sold at auction for a very large sum, was once owned by Jefferson Davis, the only President of the Confederacy. They continued this process from April 1 until the bullion ran out later that month. The staff remained on duty until May 31. After that the mint was used for quartering Confederate troops until it was recaptured, along with the rest of the city the following year largely by Union naval forces under the command of admiral David G. Farragut.
The Mint after recapture by Union Forces
For many Southern sympathizers, the Mint soon became a symbol of their hatred for the Union occupation. After U. S. Marines under Farragut had raised the U.S. flag on the roof of the Mint in April 1862, a professional steamboat gambler named William Mumford ascended the roof and tore the flag down. He ripped the banner into shreds, and defiantly stuffed pieces of it into his shirt to wear as souvenirs. Union general Benjamin Butler, the military governor of New Orleans who was soon to be derisively nicknamed "Spoons" for allegedly pocketing the silverware of New Orleans citizens arrested for treason against the United States, ordered Mumford executed in retaliation. And so, Mumford was hung from a flagstaff projecting horizontally from the building on June 7, 1862. Mumford's hanging made national headlines. Jefferson Davis demanded that Butler immediately be executed if captured. The event stuck in the minds of many New Orleanians: eleven years later, in 1873, a visitor to the city named Edward King mentioned it in his description of the structure.
The mint reopened as an assay office in 1876. Its machinery was evidently damaged during the war, but because of its importance, unlike the mints at Charlotte and Dahlonega, in 1877 U. S. Mint agent James R. Snowden asked superindendent of the office, Dr. M. F. Bonzano, to report on the condition of the facility for minting. Upon receipt of Bonzano's report, new minting equipment was shipped to New Orleans. The building was refurbished and put back into active minting service in 1879, producing mainly silver coinage, including the famed Morgan silver dollar from 1879 to 1904.
A second chance, closure, and transformation, 1879-present
New Orleans coinage
During this second period of operation, the mint also coined dimes, quarters, half dollars, $5 half eagles, $10 eagles, and, in 1879 only, 2,325 double eagles. The New Orleans Mint, whose coins can be identified by the "O" mint mark found primarily on the reverse of its coinage, earned a reputation for producing coins of a mediocre quality; their luster is usually not as brilliant as those of other mints, and center areas tend to be flattened and not sharply struck. As a result, today well-struck New Orleanian coinage is prized in the numismatic world. It should also be noted that the New Orleans Mint was used by the Federal authorities in 1907 to coin over five and a half million silver twenty-centavo pieces for the Mexican government as part of the American government's program of producing foreign coinage.
Social history and the Mint
Men, not surprisingly, made up the majority of the workers at the Mint, in such jobs as coiners, melters, pressers, cutters, and rollers. The Mint was overseen by a superintendent, who was always male. He was a political appointee whose term usually did not last much longer than the party in the White House remained in power.
But it was also during the mint's second tour of duty that women began to find work at the New Orleans Mint. Several women workers were sent from the Philadelphia Mint to teach those in New Orleans how to adjust money. About this time, the Mint employed forty-four women. Thirty-nine worked as adjusters--employees who weighed the unstamped coin planchets to make sure they were the proper weight before coining. These women would sit at long narrow tables, filing the planchets down to the proper weight, wearing special aprons with pouches attached to the sleeves and the waist to catch the excess dust. Five women served as counters and packers before the coins were shipped to Washington, D.C.. Eventually, some women began to be employed at the coining presses.
The women did not work long hours--only from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM daily--but the working conditions were probably unbearable by modern standards. New Orleans endures a very warm, wet climate, which would necessitate opening the windows to ventilate the building, especially during the summer. The process of adjusting, however, required the utmost attention to the scales' balance, and the slightest draft could upset it. The draft could also carry off the silver dust from the coin planchets the women would file. For this reason, the windows and doors were almost always kept shut. This must have made the building feel like a steamy oven to the workers inside, and on top of that, the absence of ventilation meant that the workers constantly inhaled the poisonous silver dust from the coins they adjusted. Workers relied on water coolers to provide relief from the heat and avoid dehydration. Despite this horrible environment for labor, the women Mint employees were still judged to enjoy better working conditions than many other American women workers in the late nineteenth century.
Odd jobs: The Mint in the twentieth century
By the early twentieth century, the U. S. Treasury had mints operating in New Orleans, Denver, San Francisco, and the main center in Philadelphia, which more than met the demand for minted money. And so, despite the facility's years of faithful service, in 1909 Treasury officials halted minting activity in New Orleans. In 1911, the New Orleans Mint was formally decommissioned and the machinery was transferred to the main U. S. Mint facility in Philadelphia, a sad event which stuck in the minds of Louisianans. Twenty years later Governor Huey Long would rail against this loss when he ran for the office of U.S. Senator against incumbent Joseph Ransdell, who Long claimed had allowed this ignominious closing of the mint to occur. At some point, however, the original New Orleans machinery was lost, and, at present, has not been located.
After the mint closed, it performed a variety of functions for the Federal government. It was first downgraded to an assay office for the United States Treasury as it had been from 1876-79. Then, in 1932, the assay office closed and the building was converted into a Federal prison, in which capacity it served until 1943. The Coast Guard then took over the building as a nominal storage facility, though in truth the structure was largely abandoned and left to decay until it was transferred to the state of Louisiana in 1965. Nonetheless, during the Cold War, when many believed there to be a high risk of nuclear war, the old Mint was considered to be the best fallout shelter in the city. The state agreed to save the structure from demolition on condition that it be renovated an converted to some other purpose within fifteen years. Between 1978 and 1980, the state did just that. The mint building has functioned since 1981 as a museum of the minting activity, Mardi Gras and jazz music that have made New Orleans famous. Along with the Cabildo, the Presbytere, The 1850 House, and Madame John's Legacy, it is one of five branches of the Louisiana State Museum in the French Quarter. Like all Louisiana State Museum properties, it is open Tuesday through Sunday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, except for state holidays.
Coinage produced
Silver coins
Three-cent pieces
- Silver Three-cent pieces
- 1851 -- 720,000
Half dimes
- Liberty Seated Half Dimes:
- 1838 -- 70,000
- 1839 -- 1,034,039
- 1840 -- 935,000
- 1841 -- 815,000
- 1842 -- 350,000
- 1844 -- 220,000
- 1848 -- 600,000
- 1849 -- 140,000
- 1850 -- 690,000
- 1851 -- 860,000
- 1852 -- 260,000
- 1853 -- 160,000 (no arrows at date)
- 1853 -- 2,200,000 (arrows at date)
- 1854 -- 1,560,000
- 1855 -- 600,000
- 1856 -- 1,100,000
- 1857 -- 1,380,000
- 1858 -- 1,660,000
- 1859 -- 560,000
- 1860 -- 1,060,000
- Liberty Seated Dimes:
- 1838 -- 406,034
- 1839 -- 1,323,000
- 1840 -- 1,175,000
- 1841 -- 2,007,500
- 1842 -- 2,020,000
- 1843 -- 150,000
- 1845 -- 230,000
- 1849 -- 300,000
- 1850 -- 510,000
- 1851 -- 400,000
- 1852 -- 430,000
- 1853 -- 1,100,000
- 1854 -- 1,770,000
- 1856 -- 1,180,000
- 1857 -- 1,540,000
- 1858 -- 290,000
- 1859 -- 480,000
- 1860 -- 40,000
- 1891 -- 4,540,000
- Barber Dimes:
- Seated Liberty Quarters:
- 1840 -- 425,200
- 1841 -- 452,000
- 1842 -- 769,000
- 1843 -- 968,000
- 1844 -- 740,000
- 1847 -- 368,000
- 1849 -- 412,000
- 1850 -- 412,000
- 1851 -- 88,000
- 1852 -- 96,000
- 1853 -- 1,332,000
- 1854 -- 1,484,000
- 1855 -- 176,000
- 1856 -- 968,000
- 1857 -- 1,180,000
- 1858 -- 520,000
- 1859 -- 260,000
- 1860 -- 388,000
- 1891 -- 68,000
- Barber Quarters:
- 1892 -- 2,640,000
- 1893 -- 3,396,000
- 1894 -- 2,852,000
- 1895 -- 2,816,000
- 1896 -- 1,484,000
- 1897 -- 1,414,800
- 1898 -- 1,868,000
- 1899 -- 2,644,000
- 1900 -- 3,416,000
- 1901 -- 1,612,000
- 1902 -- 4,748,000
- 1903 -- 3,500,000
- 1904 -- 2,456,000
- 1905 -- 1,230,000
- 1906 -- 2,056,000
- 1907 -- 4,560,000
- 1908 -- 6,244,000
- 1909 -- 712,000
Half dollars
- Capped Bust Half Dollars:
- 1838 -- est. 20 (most numismatists believe that these were branch mint proof issues)
- 1839 -- 178,976
- Liberty Seated Half Dollars:
- 1840 -- 855,100
- 1841 -- 401,000
- 1842 -- 957,000
- 1843 -- 2,268,000
- 1844 -- 2,005,000
- 1845 -- 2,094,000
- 1846 -- 2,304,000
- 1847 -- 2,584,000
- 1848 -- 3,180,000
- 1849 -- 2,310,000
- 1850 -- 2,456,000
- 1851 -- 402,000
- 1852 -- 144,000
- 1853 -- 1,328,000
- 1854 -- 5,240,000
- 1855 -- 3,688,000
- 1856 -- 2,658,000
- 1857 -- 818,000
- 1858 -- 7,294,000
- 1859 -- 2,834,000
- 1860 -- 1,290,000
- 1861 -- 2,532,633
- Barber Half Dollars:
- 1892 -- 390,000
- 1893 -- 1,389,000
- 1894 -- 2,138,000
- 1895 -- 1,766,000
- 1896 -- 924,000
- 1897 -- 632,000
- 1898 -- 874,000
- 1899 -- 1,724,000
- 1900 -- 2,744,000
- 1901 -- 1,124,000
- 1902 -- 2,526,000
- 1903 -- 2,100,000
- 1904 -- 1,117,600
- 1905 -- 505,000
- 1906 -- 2,446,000
- 1907 -- 3,946,000
- 1908 -- 5,360,000
- 1909 -- 925,400

- Liberty Seated Dollars:
- 1846 -- 59,000
- 1850 -- 40,000
- 1859 -- 360,000
- 1860 -- 515,000
- Morgan Dollars:
- 1879 -- 2,887,000
- 1880 -- 5,305,000
- 1881 -- 5,708,000
- 1882 -- 6,090,000
- 1883 -- 8,725,000
- 1884 -- 9,730,000
- 1885 -- 17,787,767
- 1886 -- 10,710,000
- 1887 -- 11,550,000
- 1888 -- 12,150,000
- 1889 -- 11,875,000
- 1890 -- 10,701,100
- 1891 -- 7,954,529
- 1892 -- 2,744,000
- 1893 -- 300,000
- 1894 -- 1,723,000
- 1895 -- 450,000
- 1896 -- 4,900,000
- 1897 -- 4,004,000
- 1898 -- 4,440,000
- 1899 -- 12,290,000
- 1900 -- 11,390,000
- 1901 -- 13,320,000
- 1902 -- 8,636,000
- 1903 -- 4,450,000
- 1904 -- 3,720,000
Gold coins
- Liberty Head:
- 1849 -- 215,000 (open wreath only)
- 1850 -- 14,000
- 1851 -- 290,000
- 1852 -- 140,000
- 1853 -- 290,000
- Indian Princess:
- 1855 -- 55,000
Quarter Eagles ($2.50)
- Classic Head:
- 1839 -- 17,781 (The "O" mintmark is located on the obverse above the date.)
- Liberty Head:
- 1840 -- 1,033,580
- 1842 -- 1,219,800
- 1843 -- 33,364,200
- 1845 -- 4,000,000
- 1846 -- 62,000
- 1847 -- 124,000
- 1850 -- 84,000
- 1851 -- 148,000
- 1852 -- 140,000
- 1854 -- 153,000
- 1856 -- 21,100
- 1857 -- 34,000
Three dollars
- Indian Head:
- 1854 -- 24,000 (This was the only year three-dollar gold coins were minted at New Orleans.)
Half Eagles ($5)
- Liberty Head:
- 1840 -- 40,120
- 1841 -- 50 (no examples known to exist)
- 1842 -- 16,400
- 1843 -- 101,075
- 1844 -- 364,600
- 1845 -- 41,000
- 1846 -- 58,000
- 1847 -- 12,000
- 1851 -- 41,000
- 1854 -- 46,000
- 1855 -- 11,100
- 1856 -- 10,000
- 1857 -- 13,000
- 1892 -- 10,000
- 1893 -- 110,000
- 1894 -- 16,600
- Indian Head (incused):
- 1909 -- 34,200
Eagles ($10)
- Liberty Head:

- 1841 -- 2,500
- 1842 -- 27,400
- 1843 -- 175,162
- 1844 -- 118,700
- 1845 -- 47,500
- 1846 -- 81,780
- 1847 -- 571,500
- 1848 -- 35,850
- 1849 -- 23,900
- 1850 -- 57,500
- 1851 -- 263,000
- 1852 -- 18,000
- 1853 -- 51,000
- 1854 -- 52,500
- 1855 -- 18,000
- 1856 -- 14,500
- 1857 -- 5,500
- 1858 -- 20,000
- 1859 -- 2,300
- 1860 -- 11,100
- 1879 -- 1,500
- 1880 -- 9,200
- 1881 -- 8,350
- 1882 -- 10,820
- 1883 -- 800
- 1888 -- 21,335
- 1892 -- 28,688
- 1893 -- 17,000
- 1894 -- 107,500
- 1895 -- 98,000
- 1897 -- 42,500
- 1899 -- 37,047
- 1901 -- 72,041
- 1903 -- 112,771
- 1904 -- 108,950
- 1906 -- 86,895
Double eagles ($20)
- Liberty Head:
- 1850 -- 141,000
- 1851 -- 315,000
- 1852 -- 190,000
- 1853 -- 71,000
- 1854 -- 3,250
- 1855 -- 8,000
- 1856 -- 2,250
- 1857 -- 30,000
- 1858 -- 32,250
- 1859 -- 9,100
- 1860 -- 6,600
- 1861 -- 17,741
- 1879 -- 2,325