Monday, September 24
I finally got my bike together today. I had decided to ride to the Library rather than take the bus. This would be my maiden voyage this trip. Once finished at the library I decided I would head back to the apartment, drop the laptop and then head on up to the Mission for an early supper and then ride up to high point near the Castro and then on home. But, I had problems getting the tires up to pressure and I also noticed the rear wheel did not have a Schrader to Presta valve adapter in place. I was sure I installed both before I left but only the front wheel had one in place.
Click on these photos for a higher
resolution. Will be slow with dial-up connection.

I checked my copy of the San Francisco Bike map and noticed there was a bike shop called "Mike's Bikes" on my way into town. Here I got the tires pumped up to pressure and bought the needed adapter for the rear wheel

It was nearly lunch time I decided to head back to the Munch Haven as it was close to the Library.

I ordered the veggie burrito with cheese. I was big, it was heavy, it was tasteless. It also had a rather odd, to me, unappealing aroma which was matched by the salsa. I only finished half of it.

What a bizarre logo!

Another shot of City Hall which is across from the Library.

Afterwards I reorganized at the apartment and then peddled up to 538 Valencia Street and We Be Sushi for some dinner.
Click on these photos for a higher
resolution. Will be slow with dial-up connection.

After I ordered I amused myself by taking pictures of the sushi chef in action.

Shortly after I had arrived this young lady sat at the counter near me.

Personally, I think most tattoos are ugly and silly. But this one I found quite lovely. Of course the nice "canvas" helped.

My order arrived. Mixed sashimi (tuna, mackerel, smoked eel and shrimp) and a California roll which has tuna and avocado in it.

A closer look.

A women waiting outside until her order was ready took this photo for me.

After supper I mounted back up and headed south on Valencia then west on 24th to Castro. This neighborhood is known as Noe Valley.
I peddled north on Castro and encountered some very steep grades, one of them in the 18%+ range according to the bike map which has all the streets color coded by grade.
I got to 22nd, made a left and was able to get halfway up the last block before faltering. The grade was so steep I could barely keep my balance and my lungs felt like they were ready to burst. I could not help but think of how some of the folks in the Bike Club I belong to back home would have easily cruised on up to the top.
I pushed my bike up to the top and was rewarded with this nice view. At this point 22nd terminated and intersects Collinwood St.

This sign, right around the corner from the view, reminded me of something Bruce had said about TIC - Tenancy in Common. Since very few poeple can afford to buy and entire home on their own, it is not uncommon to spit the purchase with one or more persons.

Not exactly and architetural wonder, but an interesting location.
The bike here is my Bike Friday New World Tourist folding bike, which will fit into quite a small suitcase, thus avoiding airline surcharges for oversized luggage.
From here I looked down at the dauntingly steep street wondering if my brakes would hold me back at the stop sign. I had no problems and soon I was down to Market Street near Castro. From here I hung a right and peddled down to 16th, back down through the Mission and was back by 6:30 or so.
Bruce had just pulled the Vdub into the Garage. He had arrived back that day after a five day tour with a group from Wisconsin and Minnesota. Bruce is a professional tour Bus driver and is on the road quite a bit. He was leaving that evening for a read-eye flight back east for 10 days of much needed vacation.
Day 6 - FINIS