German reunification
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German reunification (Deutsche Wiedervereinigung) took place on October 3, 1990, when the areas of the former German Democratic Republic (GDR, in English often called "East Germany") were incorporated into the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG, or "West Germany"). After the GDR's first free elections on 18 March 1990, negotiations between the GDR and FRG culminated in a Unification Treaty, whilst negotiations between the GDR and FRG and the four occupying powers produced the so-called "Two Plus Four Treaty" granting full independence to a reunified German state. The reunified Germany remained a member of the European Community (later European Union) and NATO. The term "reunification" is used in contrast with the initial unification of Germany in 1871.
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After the end of World War II in Europe, Germany had been divided into four occupation zones. The old capital of Berlin, as the seat of the Allied Control Council, was itself subdivided into four occupation zones. Although the intent was for the occupying powers to govern Germany together in the borders from 1947, the advent of Cold War tension caused the French, British and American zones to be formed into the Federal Republic of Germany (and West Berlin) in 1949, excluding the Soviet zone which then formed the German Democratic Republic (including East Berlin), the same year. Several eastern parts of the former German Reich were annexed to the People's Republic of Poland and the Soviet Union. The FRG and the GDR made competing claims to be the legitimate legal successors of the 1945 German state. However, the GDR changed its position at a later point, stating that Germany had ceased to exist in 1945, and that both the FRG and the GDR were newly founded states.
A first proposal for German reunification was advanced by Josef Stalin in 1952 under terms similar to those later adopted for Austria (see Austrian State Treaty). It called for the creation of a neutral Germany with an eastern border on the Oder-Neisse line and all allied troops removed within the year. The West German government under Chancellor Konrad Adenauer favoured closer integration with Western Europe and asked that the reunification be negotiated with the provision that there be internationally monitored elections throughout Germany. This condition was rejected by the Soviets. Another proposal by Stalin involved the reunification of Germany within the borders of 1937 under the condition that Germany joined the Warsaw Pact (Eastern Bloc).
From 1949 onwards, the Federal Republic of Germany developed into a western capitalist country with a "social market economy" and a democratic parliamentary government. Prolonged economic growth starting in the 1950s fuelled a 30-year "economic miracle" (Wirtschaftswunder). Across the border, the German Democratic Republic established an authoritarian government with a Soviet-style command economy. While the GDR became the richest, most advanced country in the Eastern bloc, many of its citizens still looked to the West for political freedoms and economic prosperity. The flight of growing numbers of East Germans to non-communist countries via West Berlin led to East Germany erecting the GDR border system (of which the Berlin Wall was a part) in 1961 to prevent any further exodus.
The government of West Germany and its NATO allies at first did not recognize the German Democratic Republic or the People's Republic of Poland, per the Hallstein Doctrine. Relations between East Germany and West Germany remained icy until the Western chancellor Willy Brandt launched a highly controversial rapprochement with East Germany (Ostpolitik) in the 1970s.
The end of the division (“Wende”)
By the mid-1980s, the prospect of German reunification was widely regarded within both East and West Germany as a distant hope, unattainable as long as Communist governments ruled Eastern Europe. However, the hope of reunification was suddenly placed within reach by political changes within the Soviet Union. The advent of reformist Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in 1985 caused waves of reform to propagate throughout the Eastern bloc, presenting an opportunity for change in the GDR.
In August 1989, Hungary removed its border restrictions with Austria and in September more than 13,000 East Germans escaped to the West through Hungary. Mass demonstrations against the East German regime began in late 1989, most prominently the Monday demonstrations in Leipzig. Faced with civil unrest, East German leader Erich Honecker was forced to resign on October 18, 1989. More resignations followed when the entire East German cabinet stepped down on November 7. The travel restrictions for East Germans were subsequently removed by the new government on November 9, 1989, and many people immediately went to the Wall where the border guards opened access points and allowed them through. Emboldened, many Germans on both sides began to tear down sections of the Wall itself, leading to one of the most enduring news stories of the 20th century.
On March 18, 1990 the first and only free elections in the history of the GDR were held, producing a government whose major mandate was to negotiate an end to itself and its state. As one East German ideologist noted in 1989, "Poland would remain Poland even if communism fell, but without communism East Germany has no reason to exist."
Under Prime Minister Lothar de Maizière, East Germany negotiated with West Germany, the United Kingdom, France, the United States and the Soviet Union the preconditions for a German reunification. Despite not opposing reunification in principle, the Soviet Union objected to East Germany being absorbed into the NATO allliance. However, an agreement was reached which allowed a reunified Germany to remain a part of NATO on the condition that NATO troops were not to be stationed in East German territory.
Parallel to the multilateral negotiations, bilateral negotiations between the East and West German governments led to the signing on 18 May of an agreement for an intermediate step, an Economic, Social and Currency Union, which entered into force on 1 July. On 23 August the East German Parliament (Volkskammer) approved the proposed 3 October accession to the FRG. The German "Einigungsvertrag" (Unification Treaty) was signed on August 31, 1990 by representatives of the FRG and GDR. On September 12, 1990 the Treaty on the Final Settlement With Respect to Germany (Two Plus Four Treaty) was signed and officially reestablished the sovereignty of both German states.
Germany was officially reunified on October 3, 1990 (this is an arbitrary date for the "Day of Reunification"), when the five reestablished federal states (Bundesländer) of East Germany formally joined the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany), choosing one of two options implemented in the West German constitution (Grundgesetz). As the new founded German states formally joined the Federal Republic, the area in which the Grundgesetz (basic law) served as constitution was simply extended. The other choice would have been for East Germany to join as a whole along the lines of a formal union between two German states that then would have had to, amongst other things, create a new constitution for the newly established country. Though the option chosen clearly was simpler, it is and has been responsible for sentiments in the East of being "occupied" or "annexed" by the old Federal Republic.
To facilitate this process and to reassure other countries, the FRG made some changes to the "Basic Law" (constitution). Article 146 was amended so that Article 23 of the current constitution could be used for reunification. Then once the five "reestablished federal states" in East Germany had joined, the Basic Law was amended again to indicate that there were no other parts of Germany, which existed outside of the unified territory, that had not acceded. But the constitution can be amended again at some future date and it still permits the adoption of another constitution by the German people at some time in the future.
Effects of reunification
The cost of reunification has been a heavy burden to the German economy and has contributed to Germany’s slowed economic growth in recent years. The costs of reunification are estimated to amount to over 1.5 trillion Euro (statement of Freie Universität Berlin) (1.9 trillion U.S. Dollars). This is more than the national debt of the German state [1]. The primary cause of this was the severe weakness of the East German economy, especially vis-à-vis the West German economy, combined with (politically motivated) conversion rates from East German Mark to the Deutschmark that did not reflect this economical reality, resulting in a very sudden (usually fatal) loss of competitiveness of East German industries, making them collapse within very short time. Today, there are still special transfers of more than €100 billion every year to “rebuild” the eastern part of Germany. Providing goods and services to East Germany strained the resources of West Germany. Money-losing industries formerly supported by the East German government had to be privatised.
As a consequence of the reunification, most of the former GDR has been deindustrialised, causing an unemployment rate of about 20%. Since then, hundreds of thousands of former East Germans have continued to migrate to western Germany to find jobs, resulting in the loss of significant portions of population, especially in highly trained professions.