05 October 2020
Summers End
Yesterday I took a leisurely 12 mile out and back ride on what was a perfect Fall day. I wanted to check out the new surface on the Deckers Creek Rail-Trail and revisit some section of the trail I had not been on for several years.
The Mon River and Deckers Creek Rail-Trail provides 48 miles of cycling and walking pleasure for the denizens of Morgantown and the surrounding area - and well beyond.
Seen here is the entirety of the Deckers Creek Rail-Trail (DC R-T) in Monongalia and Preston counties West Virginia.
This is the 12 + mile section I rode. Note the straight section. I have heard it said this was the longest section of straight track in WV.
The fall color has been coming on fast so it provided a good opportunity to take a few snaps.
Click on the photos below for a larger image.
The higher elevations of the DC R-T have already had some frost and these Hay-scented ferns are ready for their winters nap.
Asters, fallen leaves and crispy brown bracken ferns mark the end of the growing season.
Sassafras trees are always a colorful standout.
These fronds of the bead fern won't be here much longer.
The goldenrod has been spectacular this season.
The blackberries are long gone and the purplish leaves are a reminder of those juicy treats.
With the recent cold snap the New England asters are fading but they still add a nice splash of color.
The maples have been a blaze of fiery reds and oranges but soon will naked to the chill of winter.
And that concludes our fall tour of the Upper Deckers Creek Rail-Trail.
See you next time...